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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El sector agrario, representa un fuerte motor para nuestra
economía y sociedad en Andalucía, y a nivel estatal, centrándonos
en nuestra provincia de Jaén, la gran mayoría de su población
trabaja en el sector agrícola con el cultivo, cuidado y recogida del
olivar, por ello, es necesario hacer un estudio e investigación de
cuáles son las medidas de prevención de riesgos laborales que
deben de tomar los trabajadores de este sector para intentar reducir
lo máximo posibles los riesgos, al igual que es necesario saber
cuáles son las obligaciones del empresario en esta materia.
Este sector se caracteriza porque tienen gran cantidad de tareas
diferentes, como, por ejemplo, el uso de maquinaria diversa,
aplicación de productos fitosanitarios, las condiciones
climatológicas a las que están expuestos estos trabajadores y el
bajo nivel de cualificación que tiene la mayoría de ellos, esto, son
una serie de factores entre muchos otros, que causan enfermedades
o accidentes laborarles durante las jornadas de trabajo. En este estudio se tratará de estudiar e indagar sobre la prevención
de riesgos laborales en el sector agrícola, describiendo la
normativa vigente para este sector, los riesgos más comunes a los
que estos trabajadores están expuestos y las medidas preventivas
generales que pueden tomar sobre el ámbito de prevención de
riesgo laborales.
The agricultural sector represents a strong driving force for our economy and society in Andalusia and statewide, but especially in our province Jaén. Most of Jaén’s population works for the agricultural sector in taking care of the crops and picking the olives. On account of this, it’s necessary to carry out research on what the labour risk prevention measurements are of this sector to try to cut down the possible threats. Just like it’s also necessary to know what the responsibilities of the business owner are. This sector is characterised because workers have a great amount of different tasks, for example, the use of varied machinery, the use of phytosanitary products, the fact that they are exposed to the climate in open air and low level of qualification. All these are risk factors that can cause disease or work accidents. The aim of this research is to investigate labour risk prevention in the agricultural sector. We will look into the current labour regulations for this sector to the most common risks they are exposed to, as well as the preventive measures that can be used in the area of labour risk prevention.
The agricultural sector represents a strong driving force for our economy and society in Andalusia and statewide, but especially in our province Jaén. Most of Jaén’s population works for the agricultural sector in taking care of the crops and picking the olives. On account of this, it’s necessary to carry out research on what the labour risk prevention measurements are of this sector to try to cut down the possible threats. Just like it’s also necessary to know what the responsibilities of the business owner are. This sector is characterised because workers have a great amount of different tasks, for example, the use of varied machinery, the use of phytosanitary products, the fact that they are exposed to the climate in open air and low level of qualification. All these are risk factors that can cause disease or work accidents. The aim of this research is to investigate labour risk prevention in the agricultural sector. We will look into the current labour regulations for this sector to the most common risks they are exposed to, as well as the preventive measures that can be used in the area of labour risk prevention.