El inglés y niños con TEA en Educación Infantil
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En la educación actual los docentes deben estar en continua adaptación, teniendo en cuenta que deben cubrir todas las necesidades que puedan surgir en el aula. Con el aumento de niños con TEA dentro de las aulas, se hace imprescindible una adaptación de objetivos, contenidos y recursos en todas las áreas de aprendizaje. Repasando diferentes teorías de aprendizaje, llegamos a metodologías como PEANA o TEACCH, que, con ayuda de pictogramas y elementos visuales llamativos, nos ayudan a cumplir los objetivos propuestos.
Estos objetivos no serán otros que introducir el inglés en el aula de infantil, haciendo que los niños con TEA se sientan también incluidos e integrados junto con sus compañeros. Por esto, los materiales utilizados estarán disponibles para todos los alumnos del aula, sin hacer distinción entre el alumno con TEA y los demás.
La unidad didáctica presentada tratará sobre la escuela, incluyendo vocabulario sobre el material escolar y rutinas propias de un aula de infantil como pueden ser los saludos y las despedidas.
In current education teachers should be in continuous adaptation, taking into account that they must cover all the needs that may arise in the classroom. With the rise of children with ASD within classrooms, an adaptation of goals, content and resources in all areas of learning is essential. Reviewing different learning theories, we come to methodologies such as PEANA or TEACCH, which, with the help of pictograms and striking visuals, help us to meet the proposed objectives. These goals will be nothing more than to introduce English into the children's classroom, making children with ASD also feel included and integrated together with their peers. For this reason, the materials used will be available to all pupils in the classroom, making no distinction between the pupil with ASD and others. The teaching unit presented will be about the school, including vocabulary about school supplies and typical routines of a preschool classroom such as greetings and farewells.
In current education teachers should be in continuous adaptation, taking into account that they must cover all the needs that may arise in the classroom. With the rise of children with ASD within classrooms, an adaptation of goals, content and resources in all areas of learning is essential. Reviewing different learning theories, we come to methodologies such as PEANA or TEACCH, which, with the help of pictograms and striking visuals, help us to meet the proposed objectives. These goals will be nothing more than to introduce English into the children's classroom, making children with ASD also feel included and integrated together with their peers. For this reason, the materials used will be available to all pupils in the classroom, making no distinction between the pupil with ASD and others. The teaching unit presented will be about the school, including vocabulary about school supplies and typical routines of a preschool classroom such as greetings and farewells.