Funcionamiento del Sistema Inmunológico e Importancia de la Vacunación. Propuesta Didáctica.
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(ES) El siguiente Trabajo de Fin de Grado, (TFG) está orientado en la enseñanza de las Ciencias de la Naturaleza en la
etapa de Educación Primaria. El tema principal que se aborda es el conocimiento del sistema inmunológico, así
como los aparatos, células y tejidos que intervienen. Va dirigido al alumnado de 6º de primaria. Se compone de
un marco teórico en el cual se informa sobre los contenidos y temática a tratar, además de una propuesta
didáctica que permita al alumnado tener un aprendizaje significativo, incluyendo una metodología de enseñanza
que se acerca a las realidades y la vida diaria del alumnado, el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP). También
se pretenden abarcar otras materias del currículo, tratándose de una propuesta con carácter interdisciplinar. El
fin que se pretende conseguir es que los educandos sean conscientes de la importancia de estudiar el cuerpo
humano y cómo se defiende ante agentes patógenos.
(EN) The following Final Degree Project (TFG) is oriented towards the teaching of Natural Sciences at the Elementary school. The main topic discussed is the knowledge of the immune system, as well as its apparatus, cells and tissues involved in it. It is aimed at 6th grade students, specifically, the third cycle. On the other hand, it is made up of a theoretical framework that reports about the contents and topics to be discussed, as well as a didactic proposal that allows students to achieve a meaningful learning, including a teaching methodology which is closer to reality and daily life of students: Project-Based Learning (PBL). In addition, it is intended to cover other subjects of the curriculum, thus forming an interdisciplinary proposal.The objective is to make students aware of the importance of studying the human body and how it defends itself against pathogens.
(EN) The following Final Degree Project (TFG) is oriented towards the teaching of Natural Sciences at the Elementary school. The main topic discussed is the knowledge of the immune system, as well as its apparatus, cells and tissues involved in it. It is aimed at 6th grade students, specifically, the third cycle. On the other hand, it is made up of a theoretical framework that reports about the contents and topics to be discussed, as well as a didactic proposal that allows students to achieve a meaningful learning, including a teaching methodology which is closer to reality and daily life of students: Project-Based Learning (PBL). In addition, it is intended to cover other subjects of the curriculum, thus forming an interdisciplinary proposal.The objective is to make students aware of the importance of studying the human body and how it defends itself against pathogens.