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[ES] El aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera como es el inglés es esencial ya sea para intercambiar
información con otras personas o simplemente porque te lo exige la empresa en las que quieres
trabajar, pero en la actualidad es esencial saber desenvolverse en un idioma.
En el presente trabajo me centraré en hablar de: uno de los métodos o recursos (TIC) más eficaces
para aprender una lengua extranjera tan compleja como es el inglés, de los beneficios e
inconvenientes presentes en la tecnología, de cómo aprender una lengua extranjera, el rol que
ocupa el profesor en ese proceso de aprendizaje y de las herramientas que podemos utilizar en el
aula empleando como recurso la tecnología.
La segunda parte del trabajo se centra en una unidad didáctica integrada dividida en 7 sesiones, en
la cual el objetivo es que los niños trabajen y consigan desenvolverse en las habilidades esenciales
del inglés y en el mundo de la tecnología.
[EN] Learning a foreign language such as English is essential either to exchange information with other people or simply because it is required by the company where you want to work, but currently it is essential to know how to function in a language. In this paper I will focus on talking about: one of the most effective methods or resources (ICT) to learn a foreign language as complex as English, the benefits and drawbacks present in technology, how to learn a foreign language, the role of the teacher in this learning process and the tools that we can use in the classroom using technology as a resource. The second part of the work focuses on an integrated didactic unit divided into 7 sessions, in which the objective is for the children to work and manage to develop the essential skills of English and in the world of technology.
[EN] Learning a foreign language such as English is essential either to exchange information with other people or simply because it is required by the company where you want to work, but currently it is essential to know how to function in a language. In this paper I will focus on talking about: one of the most effective methods or resources (ICT) to learn a foreign language as complex as English, the benefits and drawbacks present in technology, how to learn a foreign language, the role of the teacher in this learning process and the tools that we can use in the classroom using technology as a resource. The second part of the work focuses on an integrated didactic unit divided into 7 sessions, in which the objective is for the children to work and manage to develop the essential skills of English and in the world of technology.
Palabras clave
Lengua extranjera