La secesión catalana como quiebra al Estado de Derecho
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El conflicto territorial es una constante en la historia de España. Este trabajo pretende analizar el proceso secesionista catalán, partiendo del debate sobre legalidad y poder constituyente, hasta llegar a las especialidades de dicho proceso manifestadas tanto por las acciones de las instituciones catalanas como por la respuesta dada por los Tribunales. Para finalizar, se recopilan los recursos jurídicos a disposición del Estado de Derecho para hacer frente a este problema.
[EN]The territorial dispute is a constant in the history of Spain. This research aims to analyse the Catalan secessionist process, starting from the debate on legality and constituent power, trough reaching the features of this process constituted on the one hand by the Catalan institutions actions and on the other hand by the answer obtained from the Tribunals. Finally, we will gather the legal resources which are available for the rule of law to cope with this problem.
[EN]The territorial dispute is a constant in the history of Spain. This research aims to analyse the Catalan secessionist process, starting from the debate on legality and constituent power, trough reaching the features of this process constituted on the one hand by the Catalan institutions actions and on the other hand by the answer obtained from the Tribunals. Finally, we will gather the legal resources which are available for the rule of law to cope with this problem.