Trastornos de la conducta alimentaria y su relación con la imagen corporal y autoestima en adolescentes
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
La finalidad de este trabajo ha sido reflejar la importancia de conocer los trastornos de la conducta
alimentaria en adolescentes además de la relación que tienen éstos con la imagen corporal y la
autoestima. En primer lugar, se realiza la conceptualización teórica sobre los contenidos
incluidos en los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. A continuación un breve recorrido
histórico sobre los conceptos importantes y la relación que hay entre ellos en los adolescentes
de 12 a 24 años, es decir, que es y de qué manera se forma la imagen corporal, la relación que
tiene ésta con los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria y a su vez la relación que tiene la
autoestima con estos trastornos. Por otra parte se plasma también el papel fundamental que
ejercen los adultos, es decir, familia, amigos, y el entorno social. Además se presentan las
razones por las que los trastornos alimentarios aparecen con más frecuencia entre los
The purpose of this work has been importance of knowing the disorders of eating behavior in adolescents in special, the relationship they have with their body image and self-esteem. First of all, I would like to talk about the theoretical conceptualization of alimentary disorders. Below is a brief historical tour of important concepts and the relation that exists between them in the adolescents of 12 to 24 years. That is the way that the body image is formed, the relation that it has with the disorders of the alimentary conduct and in turn the relation that has the selfesteem with these disorders. On the other hand, the fundamental role of adults, family, friends, social environment, and teachers, is also reflected.
The purpose of this work has been importance of knowing the disorders of eating behavior in adolescents in special, the relationship they have with their body image and self-esteem. First of all, I would like to talk about the theoretical conceptualization of alimentary disorders. Below is a brief historical tour of important concepts and the relation that exists between them in the adolescents of 12 to 24 years. That is the way that the body image is formed, the relation that it has with the disorders of the alimentary conduct and in turn the relation that has the selfesteem with these disorders. On the other hand, the fundamental role of adults, family, friends, social environment, and teachers, is also reflected.