Conservación de zumo natural de naranja mediante tratamiento s combinados de altas presiones hidrostáticas y calor
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Cada día se investiga más sobre nuevos métodos de conservación para
asegurar un producto inocuo para el consumidor. El tratamiento mediante altas
presiones hidrostáticas está siendo un método muy novedoso y eficaz a la hora
de mantener esa seguridad del alimento para el consumidor. En este proyecto
se ha querido analizar el efecto y eficacia de los tratamientos por altas
presiones hidrostáticas en la conservación de zumos de naranjas
contaminados mediante Listeria innocua a la vez que el comportamiento de las
muestras después de su almacenaje a temperaturas de refrigeración durante
una semana. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el uso de altas presiones
hidrostáticas ayuda a la inhibición de Listeria, sin embargo, existen diferencias
en la eficacia de los tratamientos utilizados (300MPa, 400MPa, 300MPa+45oC
y 400MPa+45oC). Sería interesante comprobar la eficacia del uso de altas
presiones hidrostáticas en microorganismos diferentes a Listeria, debido a que
existen diferencias entre los medios utilizados (TSA y Palcam).
More research is being done every day on new conservation methods to ensure a product that is safe for the consumer. The treatment by means of high hydrostatic pressures is being a very novel and effective method to maintain that food safety for the consumer. In this project we wanted to analyze the effect and effectiveness of treatments for high hydrostatic pressures in orange juice contaminated by Listeria innocuous, as well as the behavior of the samples after being stored in the refrigerator for a week. The results indicate that the use of high hydrostatic pressures helps the inhibition of Listeria, however, there are differences in the effectiveness of the treatments (300MPa, 400MPa, 300MPa + 45oC and 400MPa + 45oC). It would be interesting to account for the effectiveness of using high hydrostatic pressures in microorganisms other than Listeria, because there are differences between the media (TSA and Palcam).
More research is being done every day on new conservation methods to ensure a product that is safe for the consumer. The treatment by means of high hydrostatic pressures is being a very novel and effective method to maintain that food safety for the consumer. In this project we wanted to analyze the effect and effectiveness of treatments for high hydrostatic pressures in orange juice contaminated by Listeria innocuous, as well as the behavior of the samples after being stored in the refrigerator for a week. The results indicate that the use of high hydrostatic pressures helps the inhibition of Listeria, however, there are differences in the effectiveness of the treatments (300MPa, 400MPa, 300MPa + 45oC and 400MPa + 45oC). It would be interesting to account for the effectiveness of using high hydrostatic pressures in microorganisms other than Listeria, because there are differences between the media (TSA and Palcam).