Diseños de Superficies de Respuesta
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado, realizado en la Universidad de
Jaén, es de carácter teórico-práctico y tiene como objetivo
estudiar y analizar un conjunto de técnicas avanzadas de diseño
de experimentos para ajustar superficies de respuesta. El diseño
de superficies de respuesta es de vital importancia en diferentes
campos de la investigación a la hora de conocer cómo funciona
un proceso, estudiar las variables que afectan al proceso
empleando herramientas estadísticas, y obtener la información
necesaria para su mejora.
Se presenta la metodología de superficies de repuesta y los
principales tipos de diseños de superficies de repuesta, como el
diseño central compuesto, el diseño de Box–Behnken, etc.
Finalmente se realizan aplicaciones prácticas de estos diseños a
través del software estadístico “RStudio”, una de las herramientas
más potentes para realizar análisis estadísticos.
The present Final Degree Project, carried out at the University of Jaén, is of a theoretical-practical nature, and its objective is to study and analyze a set of advanced techniques for the design of experiments to adjust response surfaces. The design of response surfaces is very important in different fields of research in order to know how a process works, to study the variables that can affect the process using statistical tools, and to obtain the necessary information for its improvement. The response surface methodology and the main types of response surface designs are presented, such as central composite design, Box-Behnken design, etc. Finally, practical applications of these designs are made using the statistical software “RStudio”, one of the most powerful tools for statistical analysis.
The present Final Degree Project, carried out at the University of Jaén, is of a theoretical-practical nature, and its objective is to study and analyze a set of advanced techniques for the design of experiments to adjust response surfaces. The design of response surfaces is very important in different fields of research in order to know how a process works, to study the variables that can affect the process using statistical tools, and to obtain the necessary information for its improvement. The response surface methodology and the main types of response surface designs are presented, such as central composite design, Box-Behnken design, etc. Finally, practical applications of these designs are made using the statistical software “RStudio”, one of the most powerful tools for statistical analysis.