Adicción a las Nuevas Tecnologías en los jóvenes adolescentes
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Actualmente existe un problema de adicción hacia las nuevas tecnologías, especialmente en adolescentes. El uso abusivo de éstas se debe a problemas más profundos, como baja autoestima, falta de habilidades sociales, etc., lo que lleva a un menor rendimiento académico, relacionarse menos con los demás, entre otros. Por eso, creamos un programa con el objetivo de reducir el tiempo de uso de nuevas tecnologías, en el que trabajamos aspectos de autoestima, relaciones familiares, habilidades sociales y personalidad. Los participantes son alumnos de un colegio de los cursos comprendidos entre 6º de Primaria y 4º de ESO, ya que los adolescentes de estas edades son más vulnerables y tienen más posibilidad de usar las nuevas tecnologías. Los dividiremos en grupos que recibirán la intervención (grupo A de cada curso) y grupos que no lo recibirán (grupo B de cada curso), para poder comprobar si el programa da los resultados esperados.
There is currently a problem of addiction to new technologies, especially among adolescents. The abusive use of these is due to deeper problems, such as low self-esteem, lack of social skills, etc., which leads to lower academic performance, less interaction with others, among others. That is why we created a program with the aim of reducing the time of use of new technologies, in which we work aspects of self-esteem, family relationships, social skills and personality. The participants are students from a school in grades 6 to 4 of ESO, as adolescents of this age are more vulnerable and are more likely to use new technologies. We will divide them into groups that will receive the intervention (group A of each course) and groups that will not receive it (group B of each course), so as to be able to check whether the programme gives the expected results.
There is currently a problem of addiction to new technologies, especially among adolescents. The abusive use of these is due to deeper problems, such as low self-esteem, lack of social skills, etc., which leads to lower academic performance, less interaction with others, among others. That is why we created a program with the aim of reducing the time of use of new technologies, in which we work aspects of self-esteem, family relationships, social skills and personality. The participants are students from a school in grades 6 to 4 of ESO, as adolescents of this age are more vulnerable and are more likely to use new technologies. We will divide them into groups that will receive the intervention (group A of each course) and groups that will not receive it (group B of each course), so as to be able to check whether the programme gives the expected results.