Aprendizaje y memoria en condiciones de estrés. Papel del sistema renina-angiotensina.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Los individuos están expuestos constantemente a factores estresantes, los cuales, además de estrés,
conllevan la liberación de adrenalina y cortisol. El estrés es capaz de provocar cambios en las estructuras y
funciones cerebrales, dificultando el aprendizaje y el desarrollo y consolidación de la memoria. Además,
es uno de los principales causantes de diferentes trastornos mentales como la depresión. El estrés, a su
vez, también perturba al sistema renina - angiotensina (RAS). Éste ha sido estudiado ampliamente a nivel
renal y cardiovascular, sin embargo, en el cerebro, también se ha detectado su participación en una gran
variedad de funciones fisiológicas, causando efectos tanto locales como sistémicos. En este trabajo se
aborda la relación entre el aprendizaje, l memoria y el sistema renina-angiotensina, sus consecuencias y
posibilidades terapéuticas para los trastornos relacionados.
[EN] Individuals are constantly exposed to stressful factors, which in addition to stress, lead to the release of adrenaline and cortisol. Stress is capable of causing changes in brain structures and functions, hindering learning and the development and consolidation of memory. In addition, It is one of the main causes of different mental disorders such as depression. Stress, in turn, also disturbs the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). This has been extensively studied at the renal and cardiovascular levels, however, in the brain, it’s participation in a variety of physiological functions has also been detected, causing both local and systemic effects. This paper addresses the relationship between learning, memory and the renin- angiotensin system, its consequences and therapeutic possibilities for related disorders.
[EN] Individuals are constantly exposed to stressful factors, which in addition to stress, lead to the release of adrenaline and cortisol. Stress is capable of causing changes in brain structures and functions, hindering learning and the development and consolidation of memory. In addition, It is one of the main causes of different mental disorders such as depression. Stress, in turn, also disturbs the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). This has been extensively studied at the renal and cardiovascular levels, however, in the brain, it’s participation in a variety of physiological functions has also been detected, causing both local and systemic effects. This paper addresses the relationship between learning, memory and the renin- angiotensin system, its consequences and therapeutic possibilities for related disorders.