Juegos tradicionales, proyecto transversal de inglés y educación física
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es enseñar el inglés a través de la asignatura de educación física, la forma de aplicar este aprendizaje será interdisciplinar, ya que se tratarán temas de otras áreas. Este proyecto está diseñado para ofrecer la posibilidad de enseñar inglés, pero no debemos dejar de lado otros idiomas importantes como pueden ser el francés y el alemán que también son importantes de cara a la sociedad de hoy en día.
El método que he elegido para elaborar este trabajo se realiza mediante la práctica ya que la asignatura elegida, Educación Física nos deja la posibilidad de aprender significativamente, es decir, vivenciando el aprendizaje mediante la participación y observación del alumnado presente. El docente debe aplicar mediante la metodología AICLE estrategias que permitan al alumno aprender este segundo idioma mediante el juego y el movimiento, lo que hará mucho más interesante el contenido de la asignatura.
The main objective of this project is to teach english through the subject of physical education, this way to apply this apprenticeship will be interdisciplinary, insomuch as will be discussed issues from other areas. This project is designed to offer the possibility to teach english, but we not must set aside other important languages as could be french and german that are very significant to society nowadays. The method I have chosen to elaborate this project is accomplished by practicing, inasmuch as the chosen subject, physical education leaves us the possibility to learn significantly, that is to say, experiencing the apprenticeship through participation and observation of the students present. The teacher must apply through games and movement, that will make much more interesting the content of the subject.
The main objective of this project is to teach english through the subject of physical education, this way to apply this apprenticeship will be interdisciplinary, insomuch as will be discussed issues from other areas. This project is designed to offer the possibility to teach english, but we not must set aside other important languages as could be french and german that are very significant to society nowadays. The method I have chosen to elaborate this project is accomplished by practicing, inasmuch as the chosen subject, physical education leaves us the possibility to learn significantly, that is to say, experiencing the apprenticeship through participation and observation of the students present. The teacher must apply through games and movement, that will make much more interesting the content of the subject.
Palabras clave
Educación física