El bullying por cuestiones de fe
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El presente TFG dota de una sensibilización sobre la problemática del bullying por cuestiones religiosas. Primero, se pretende profundizar en los más generales de este concepto, así como la tendencia que tiene acoso en el ámbito religioso. Igualmente, se podrá visualizar una entrevista real que apoyará este estudio. En este trabajo se presta especial atención a los valores cristianos, los cuales guían una educación basada en valores. Por lo tanto, este estudio pretende hacer conocer la gran incidencia de bullying que ha existido y existe hoy por seguir una religión y frecuentarla. Además de establecer unas consignas a seguir que sirven como guía a la hora de frenar el gran auge que se está dando a esto. Finalmente, realzar también la elaboración de una propuesta didáctica, orientada hacia alumnos del tercer ciclo de la etapa de Educación Infantil, cuyos objetivos principales son los de ayudar, detectar, prevenir e intervenir posibles episodios de bullying entre alumnos.
This report provides awareness and sensitization of bullying for religious reasons. First, it is intended to delve into what the general concept encompasses, as well as the tendency that hasharassment in the religious field. Likewise, a real interview that will support this study can be viewed. This work pays special attention to Christian values, which guide a value-based education. Therefore, this study aims to make known the great incidence of bullying that has existed and exists today by following a religion and frequenting it. In addition to establishing some slogans to follow that serve as a guide when it comes to stopping the great boom that is being given to this. Finally, also enhance the preparation of a didactic proposal, aimed at students in the third cycle of the Early Childhood Education stage, whose main objectives are to help, detect, prevent and intervene in possible episodes of bullying among students.
This report provides awareness and sensitization of bullying for religious reasons. First, it is intended to delve into what the general concept encompasses, as well as the tendency that hasharassment in the religious field. Likewise, a real interview that will support this study can be viewed. This work pays special attention to Christian values, which guide a value-based education. Therefore, this study aims to make known the great incidence of bullying that has existed and exists today by following a religion and frequenting it. In addition to establishing some slogans to follow that serve as a guide when it comes to stopping the great boom that is being given to this. Finally, also enhance the preparation of a didactic proposal, aimed at students in the third cycle of the Early Childhood Education stage, whose main objectives are to help, detect, prevent and intervene in possible episodes of bullying among students.