Modulación PWM: Análisis teórico, simulación y montajes experimentales
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
La elaboración de este trabajo de fin de grado, trata de introducir a la modulación PWM y a la
medida de armónicos. Para ello, se proponen la realización de diversas practicas que
abordarán los temas objeto del trabajo fin de grado. En los mismos, se encuentran multitud de
análisis teóricos, así como simulaciones con Orcad PSpice y análisis experimentales para
establecer comparaciones al final de cada práctica. También, se introducen montajes en la
Plataforma online Tinkercad que es una potente herramienta de caracter didáctico que podrá
ser usada para realizar los montajes propuestos en el caso de que haya que volver a
enfrentarse a la docencia no presencial.
The production of this final degree project, introduces at PWM modulation and the harmonics measurement. For this, its suggested some practices that will introduce in the topics object of this final degree project. In the practices, there are lots of theorical analysis and simulations with Orcad PSpice and experimental analysis to compare the results obtained at the end of each practice. Also, will introduce some of the assemblies will be introduced in the online platform Tinkercad which is a didactic power tool that could be used to perform the assemblies suggested in case of no face to face education.
The production of this final degree project, introduces at PWM modulation and the harmonics measurement. For this, its suggested some practices that will introduce in the topics object of this final degree project. In the practices, there are lots of theorical analysis and simulations with Orcad PSpice and experimental analysis to compare the results obtained at the end of each practice. Also, will introduce some of the assemblies will be introduced in the online platform Tinkercad which is a didactic power tool that could be used to perform the assemblies suggested in case of no face to face education.
Palabras clave
sistemas electrónicos