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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Este Trabajo de Fin de Máster gira en torno al Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad en el alumnado de
Educación Primaria y los beneficios que pueden tener las IIA en dicho colectivo. En una primera parte, se describe el
trastorno y los tratamientos existentes, centrándose en los tratamientos basados en técnicas de mindfulness. Por
otra parte, se realiza una descripción de los beneficios que se obtienen mediante las Intervenciones Asistidas con
Animales y el impacto positivo que supone la incorporación de un animal en dichos tratamientos.
En una segunda parte, se diseña un estudio piloto que tiene como finalidad, por un lado, comprobar si la
participación del alumnado con TDAH en un programa de técnicas basadas en mindfulness, reduce la sintomatología
de este trastorno y, por otro lado, si la incorporación de un animal de intervención en este programa genera aún
mayores beneficios.
[EN] This Master's Thesis revolves around Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Primary Education students and the benefits that IIAs can have on this group. In a first part, the disorder and existing treatments are described, focusing on treatments based on mindfulness techniques. On the other hand, a description of the benefits obtained through Animal-Assisted Interventions and the positive impact of incorporating an animal in these treatments is made. In a second part, a pilot study is designed that aims, on the one hand, to verify if the participation of students with ADHD in a program of techniques based on mindfulness, reduces the symptomatology of this disorder and, on the other hand, if the incorporation of an intervention animal in this program generates even greater benefits.
[EN] This Master's Thesis revolves around Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Primary Education students and the benefits that IIAs can have on this group. In a first part, the disorder and existing treatments are described, focusing on treatments based on mindfulness techniques. On the other hand, a description of the benefits obtained through Animal-Assisted Interventions and the positive impact of incorporating an animal in these treatments is made. In a second part, a pilot study is designed that aims, on the one hand, to verify if the participation of students with ADHD in a program of techniques based on mindfulness, reduces the symptomatology of this disorder and, on the other hand, if the incorporation of an intervention animal in this program generates even greater benefits.