Estudio del funcionamiento de un sistema de autoconsumo fotovoltaico. Evaluación de su comportamiento.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Estudio del proceso de automatizado de la medida de las diferentes variables que definen el funcionamiento de un
sistema de autoconsumo fotovoltiaco. El trabajo abarca: el análisis teórico del funcionamiento del sistema de
autoconsumo fotovoltaico, la evaluación de la solución de monitorización implementada (en la que se incluye la
evaluación del proceso de medida de los sensores que monitorizan los parámetros medioambientales, eléctricos y
energéticos de los sistemas de autoconsumo fotovoltaicos), así como el desarrollo de una aplicación para la consulta de
la evolución de los parámetros que además incluirá la comunicación de fallos del sistema.
Study of the process of automatization of the measurement of the different variables that define the functioning of a photovoltaic self‐consumption system. The project covers: the theoretical analysis of the functioning of a photovoltaic self‐consumption system, the evaluation of the solution of implemented motorization (which includes the evaluation of the process of measurement of the sensors that monitor the environmental, electric and energetic parameters of the photovoltaic self‐consumption system), as well as the development of an application for consulting the evolution of the parameters, that will also include the communication of any errors in the system.
Study of the process of automatization of the measurement of the different variables that define the functioning of a photovoltaic self‐consumption system. The project covers: the theoretical analysis of the functioning of a photovoltaic self‐consumption system, the evaluation of the solution of implemented motorization (which includes the evaluation of the process of measurement of the sensors that monitor the environmental, electric and energetic parameters of the photovoltaic self‐consumption system), as well as the development of an application for consulting the evolution of the parameters, that will also include the communication of any errors in the system.