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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El presente trabajo de Fin de Máster tiene como objetivo comprobar el impacto que las redes sociales producen sobre las empresas que incorporan estas herramientas a sus proyectos empresariales.
El sector oleícola viene asistiendo a una serie de cambios, actualizaciones y transformaciones desde hace
varias décadas. El comercio electrónico sigue una tendencia ascendente ya que la sociedad cada vez está
más informatizada y la feroz competencia hace que los empresarios se decanten por todas las fórmulas
existentes a su alcance, como es el comercio electrónico. Las redes sociales son una potente herramienta
publicitaria y cada vez son más las empresas que deciden incorporarlas a su mecánica de trabajo bien sea para darse a conocer o también para captar el mayor número de clientes potenciales. Se comprobará el correcto uso de las redes sociales y el comercio electrónico sobre nuestro producto estrella, el aceite de oliva.
[EN] The aim of this Master's Final project is to verify the impact that social networks have on companies where these tools are implemented into their business projects. The olive sector has been witnessing a series of changes, updates and transformations for several decades. Electronic commerce follows an upward trend as society is increasingly computerized and fierce competition makes businessmen opt for all the existing formulas available to them, such as electronic commerce. Social networks are a powerful advertising tool and more and more companies decide to incorporate them into their work mechanics, either to make themselves known or also to attract the largest number of potential customers. The correct use of social networks and e-commerce of our main product, olive oil, will be checked in this Master's thesis.
[EN] The aim of this Master's Final project is to verify the impact that social networks have on companies where these tools are implemented into their business projects. The olive sector has been witnessing a series of changes, updates and transformations for several decades. Electronic commerce follows an upward trend as society is increasingly computerized and fierce competition makes businessmen opt for all the existing formulas available to them, such as electronic commerce. Social networks are a powerful advertising tool and more and more companies decide to incorporate them into their work mechanics, either to make themselves known or also to attract the largest number of potential customers. The correct use of social networks and e-commerce of our main product, olive oil, will be checked in this Master's thesis.