Bilingüismo a través de la expresión corporal en educación primaria.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En este trabajo fin de grado de educación primaria se va a plantear la importancia que puede tener la segunda lengua extranjera en el área de la educación física en primaria, tan necesaria para cimentar el desarrollo de la habilidad lingüística y comunicativa. Para cimentar el desarrollo de la habilidad lingüística vamos hacerlo a través de un proyecto de aula en el cual vamos a trabajar la expresión corporal. Este proyecto va a servir como idea innovadora dentro del aula, donde el objetivo es que el alumnado a través de la lengua extranjera y la expresión corporal sea capaz de desinhibirse y adoptar habilidades sociales, tanto en el grupo de clase, como fuera del centro educativo. Así pues, todo esto les ayudara a desenvolverse con mayor destreza en la lengua extranjera y actuar con naturalidad en situaciones formales e informales dentro del mundo tan globalizado en el que nos encontramos.
In this final year of primary education, the importance of the second foreign language in the area of physical education in primary education, so necessary to cement the development of linguistic and communicative skills, will be raised. To cement the development of linguistic ability we are going to do it through a classroom project in which we are going to work on body expression. This project will serve as an innovative idea within the classroom, where the objective is that students through foreign language and body expression be able to disinhibit themselves and adopt social skills, both in the class group and outside the educational center . Thus, all this will help them to cope with greater skill in the foreign language and to act naturally in formal and informal situations within the globalized world in which we find ourselves.
In this final year of primary education, the importance of the second foreign language in the area of physical education in primary education, so necessary to cement the development of linguistic and communicative skills, will be raised. To cement the development of linguistic ability we are going to do it through a classroom project in which we are going to work on body expression. This project will serve as an innovative idea within the classroom, where the objective is that students through foreign language and body expression be able to disinhibit themselves and adopt social skills, both in the class group and outside the educational center . Thus, all this will help them to cope with greater skill in the foreign language and to act naturally in formal and informal situations within the globalized world in which we find ourselves.
Palabras clave
Educación Física