Los animales vertebrados. Clasificación y características
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(ES) El trabajo desarrolla una unidad didáctica destinada al estudio de los animales
vertebrados, sus clasificaciones y sus características más destacadas para el segundo ciclo de
Educación Primaria. En él encontramos una revisión bibliográfica acerca de la enseñanza de
ciencias en Primaria y sus dificultades y errores más comunes. Se tratan contenidos sobre los
seres vivos y su clasificación, desarrollando posteriormente el reino animal y profundizando
en los animales con esqueleto interno (mamíferos, peces, aves, reptiles y anfibios). Y, por
último, se habla sobre el uso de las TIC en educación. Tras esto, encontramos la realización de
la propuesta didáctica en la que se recogen las diversas actividades elaboradas, los objetivos y
competencias a lograr, los contenidos a enseñar en el proceso y los criterios e instrumentos para
evaluar esta unidad.
(EN) The work develops a didactic unit destined to the study of vertebrate animals, their classifications and their most outstanding characteristics for the second cycle of Primary Education. In it we find a bibliographic review on the teaching of science in Primary and its most common difficulties and errors. Contents on living beings and their classification are dealt with, subsequently developing the animal kingdom and delving into animals with an internal skeleton (mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians). And, finally, we talk about the use of ICT in education. After this, we find the realization of the didactic proposal in which the various activities elaborated, the objectives and competences to be achieved, the contents to be taught in the process and the criteria and instruments to evaluate this unit are collected.
(EN) The work develops a didactic unit destined to the study of vertebrate animals, their classifications and their most outstanding characteristics for the second cycle of Primary Education. In it we find a bibliographic review on the teaching of science in Primary and its most common difficulties and errors. Contents on living beings and their classification are dealt with, subsequently developing the animal kingdom and delving into animals with an internal skeleton (mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians). And, finally, we talk about the use of ICT in education. After this, we find the realization of the didactic proposal in which the various activities elaborated, the objectives and competences to be achieved, the contents to be taught in the process and the criteria and instruments to evaluate this unit are collected.