El papel y responsabilidad del Reino Unido en el origen del conflicto palestino
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El objetivo de este trabajo fin de grado es realizar una revisión bibliográfica y síntesis acerca del papel y responsabilidad del Reino Unido en el origen del conflicto palestino-israelí.
El periodo estudiado abarca desde los orígenes del sionismo en el siglo XIX a la intervención de la ONU en 1947, pasando por la situación de Palestina en el final del Imperio Otomano y las primeras resistencias a la colonización sionista, el Mandato Británico, la Declaración Balfour y la consolidación de las resistencias palestinas. Después se aborda la Nakba (la expulsión de los palestinos de su tierra) y el papel del sionismo como justificación ideológica de la misma.
Las conclusiones muestran que el papel del Reino Unido fue fundamental pues apoyó el movimiento sionista que expulsó a los palestinos de su tierra y se apropió de ella para crear un Estado judío, auténtico origen del conflicto.
The objective of this final thesis is to carry out a bibliographic review and synthesis about the role and responsibility of the United Kingdom in the origin of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The period studied ranges from the origins of zionism in the 19th century to the intervention of the ONU in 1947, going through the situation in Palestine at the end of the Ottoman Empire and the first resistance to zionist colonization, the British Mandate, the Balfour Declaration and the consolidation of Palestinian resistance. Then the Nakba (the expulsion of the Palestinians from their land) and the role of zionism as its ideological justification are discussed. The conclusions show that the role of the United Kingdom was fundamental as it supported the zionist movement that expelled the Palestinians from their land and appropriated it to create a Jewish state, the true origin of the conflict.
The objective of this final thesis is to carry out a bibliographic review and synthesis about the role and responsibility of the United Kingdom in the origin of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The period studied ranges from the origins of zionism in the 19th century to the intervention of the ONU in 1947, going through the situation in Palestine at the end of the Ottoman Empire and the first resistance to zionist colonization, the British Mandate, the Balfour Declaration and the consolidation of Palestinian resistance. Then the Nakba (the expulsion of the Palestinians from their land) and the role of zionism as its ideological justification are discussed. The conclusions show that the role of the United Kingdom was fundamental as it supported the zionist movement that expelled the Palestinians from their land and appropriated it to create a Jewish state, the true origin of the conflict.