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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]En este trabajo proponemos una secuencia didáctica relacionada con la escritura
creativa y el texto narrativo. Primero, estudiaremos de una manera más teórica el
concepto de escritura, su proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje y algunas propuestas de
talleres de escritura creativa. Después, nos centraremos en elaborar una propuesta
realista y práctica que trabaje la narración y sus características y la expresión escrita,
todo ello dirigido a 1o de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. El trabajo que llevaremos a
cabo estará enfocado a realizar un proyecto o tarea final, la redacción de un relato
breve de carácter narrativo. El alumnado trabajará en grupos cooperativos a lo largo
de toda la secuencia, que está pensada para el desarrollo de la imaginación y el análisis
de una tipología textual concreta como es el texto narrativo.
Texto narrativo, escritura creativa, trabajo cooperativo, expresión escrita, taller
[EN]In this paper I propose a unit of work dealing with creative writing and narrative text. Firstly, I will study the concept of writing using a theoretical approach, together with its learning-teaching process and some proposals of creative writing workshops. Secondly, I will focus on the development of a realistic and practical proposal which works on narrative text and its characteristics in the written expression, all of that addresses to the First year of Compulsory Secondary Education. The final assingment will be conducted to the creation of a final project or task, the composition of a short narrative story. Students will work in cooperative learning throughout the sequence, which is thought to develop the imagination and the analysis of a specific typology of text in this case the narrative one. Narrative text, creative writing, cooperative learning, written expression, literary workshop.
[EN]In this paper I propose a unit of work dealing with creative writing and narrative text. Firstly, I will study the concept of writing using a theoretical approach, together with its learning-teaching process and some proposals of creative writing workshops. Secondly, I will focus on the development of a realistic and practical proposal which works on narrative text and its characteristics in the written expression, all of that addresses to the First year of Compulsory Secondary Education. The final assingment will be conducted to the creation of a final project or task, the composition of a short narrative story. Students will work in cooperative learning throughout the sequence, which is thought to develop the imagination and the analysis of a specific typology of text in this case the narrative one. Narrative text, creative writing, cooperative learning, written expression, literary workshop.
Palabras clave
Lengua y Literatura