Recursos didácticos basados en Animación Japonesa
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En el presente Trabajo Final de Grado se llevará a cabo un análisis de cómo nosotros, como futuros docentes, podemos aprovechar la animación (japonesa y occidental), además de series de las distintas plataformas de “streaming”, como recurso complementario a la docencia. Debido a la actual pandemia, el uso de estas plataformas ha aumentado, siendo un recurso útil para cualquier materia en el aula, además de ayudar y reforzar la Educación en Valores, trabajando con la sensibilización ante la diversidad o el acoso escolar, también conocido como “bullying”.
A partir del análisis de diferentes series de animación, abordaremos distintas estrategias metodológicas para que este recuso pueda ser utilizado en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la Educación Primaria.
In the present final degree project, we will carry out an analysis of how we, as future teachers, may take advantage of animation (Japanese and Western) as well as of series on the different streaming platforms which will be used as an additional teaching resource. Because of the current pandemic that we are experiencing, the use of these platforms has increased, becoming a very useful resource to any subject in the classroom as well as helping and promoting Education in Values, working to raise awareness of diversity and bullying in schools. Through the analysis of different animated series, we will deal with different methodological strategies through which we will use the before-mentioned resource in the teaching-learning process in Primary Education.
In the present final degree project, we will carry out an analysis of how we, as future teachers, may take advantage of animation (Japanese and Western) as well as of series on the different streaming platforms which will be used as an additional teaching resource. Because of the current pandemic that we are experiencing, the use of these platforms has increased, becoming a very useful resource to any subject in the classroom as well as helping and promoting Education in Values, working to raise awareness of diversity and bullying in schools. Through the analysis of different animated series, we will deal with different methodological strategies through which we will use the before-mentioned resource in the teaching-learning process in Primary Education.
Palabras clave
Lenguas Extranjeras; inglés