Bacillus spp. en la producción de alimentos
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[ES] Las bacterias juegan un papel importante en la producción de alimentos desde la fermentación de los
mismos hasta su capacidad de mejorar la textura, sabor y valor nutricional del producto. Así, con esta
revisión bibliográfica se pretende evidenciar el uso del género Bacillus en la producción de alimentos.
Empleando diferentes bases de datos como Google Scholar, Pubmed y Scielo se obtuvieron varios artículos
que ponían de manifiesto el uso de Bacillus en la elaboración de alimentos fermentados, donde destacan
B. subtilis y B. amyloliquefaciens. Por otro lado, B. cereus muestra preocupación debido a su capacidad de
producir toxinas dando lugar a intoxicaciones alimentarias.
Estas especies destacan por su resistencia a condiciones extremas de pH y temperatura como resultado
de formar esporas, lo que también las hace útiles como probióticos. Además, Bacillus spp. es una gran
fuente de producción de enzimas las cuales presentan un gran potencial en la industria alimentaria.
[EN] Bacteria play an important role in food production from food fermentation to their ability to improve the texture, flavor, and nutritional value of the product. Thus, this literature review aims to demonstrate the use of the genus Bacillus in food production. Using different databases such as Google Scholar, Pubmed and Scielo, several articles were obtained that showed the use of Bacillusin the production of fermented foods, where B. subtilis and B. amyloliquefaciens stand out. On the other hand, B. cereus shows concern due to its ability to produce toxins leading to food poisoning. These species are noted for their resistance to extreme pH and temperature conditions as a result of forming spores, which also makes them useful as probiotics. In addition, Bacillus spp. is a great source of enzyme production which has great potential in the food industry.
[EN] Bacteria play an important role in food production from food fermentation to their ability to improve the texture, flavor, and nutritional value of the product. Thus, this literature review aims to demonstrate the use of the genus Bacillus in food production. Using different databases such as Google Scholar, Pubmed and Scielo, several articles were obtained that showed the use of Bacillusin the production of fermented foods, where B. subtilis and B. amyloliquefaciens stand out. On the other hand, B. cereus shows concern due to its ability to produce toxins leading to food poisoning. These species are noted for their resistance to extreme pH and temperature conditions as a result of forming spores, which also makes them useful as probiotics. In addition, Bacillus spp. is a great source of enzyme production which has great potential in the food industry.