Explotación del libro Color verde ladrón de Patricia García Rojo.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Los libros de lectura destinados al alumnado de Educación Primaria poseen un gran potencial didáctico que, considero, debe ser explotado en una clase de Lengua Castellana y Literatura ya que se le puede sacar la funcionalidad, no solo para llevar a cabo el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las cuatro habilidades lingüísticas, sino para que el alumnado adquiera contenidos socioculturales que le puedan servir para su propio desarrollo personal y emocional. Invito a la reflexión sobre el uso de libros de lectura en la clase de Lengua Castellana y su literatura, en concreto me centraré en el libro Color verde ladrón de Patricia García Rojo, y propondré una unidad didáctica destinada a segundo ciclo de Educación Primaria, en concreto al 4º curso, para mostrar una forma diferente de impartir y trabajar los contenidos de manera que al alumnado le resulte interesante y disfrute del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
Reading books for students of Primary Education have a great didactic potential that, I believe, should be exploited in a class of Spanish Language and Literature as it can be extracted functionality, not only to carry out the teaching- Learning of the four linguistic abilities, but so that the students acquire socio-cultural contents that can be used for their own personal and emotional development. In this work I invite you to reflect on the use of reading books in the Castellana language class and literature, specifically I will focus on the book Color verde ladrón by Patricia García Rojo and propose a didactic unit for the second cycle of Primary Education specifically to the 4th year, to show a different way of imparting and working the contents in a way that the students are interesting and enjoy the teaching-learning process.
Reading books for students of Primary Education have a great didactic potential that, I believe, should be exploited in a class of Spanish Language and Literature as it can be extracted functionality, not only to carry out the teaching- Learning of the four linguistic abilities, but so that the students acquire socio-cultural contents that can be used for their own personal and emotional development. In this work I invite you to reflect on the use of reading books in the Castellana language class and literature, specifically I will focus on the book Color verde ladrón by Patricia García Rojo and propose a didactic unit for the second cycle of Primary Education specifically to the 4th year, to show a different way of imparting and working the contents in a way that the students are interesting and enjoy the teaching-learning process.
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Lengua Extranjera (Inglés)