Fábulas árabes en el aula de primaria
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[ES] El objetivo de este estudio es ofrecer al alumnado una educación en valores a través de la literatura árabe y las fábulas. En esta investigación se puede encontrar información relevante sobre estos tres aspectos mencionados, así como la manera de transmitirse dicha literatura y sus cambios con el paso del tiempo. Se encontrará también una unidad didáctica en la que se trabajarán de distintas formas algunas fábulas en concreto. Esto se abordará en la asignatura de lengua castellana y literatura. Todo esto pretende contribuir a reforzar en el alumnado la relación cultural que existe entre la literatura árabe y la literatura hispánica, puesto que existen algunas diferencias y similitudes interesantes para abordar, con el fin de que el alumnado tenga un aprendizaje significativo trabajando también en los valores y aprendizajes que nos aportan las fábulas.
[EN] The objective of this study is to offer students an education in values through Arabic literature and fables. In this research you can find relevant information about the introduction of Arabic literature in Spain, as well as the way it is transmitted and its changes over time. There will also be a didactic unit in which some specific fables will be worked on in different ways. This will be addressed in the Spanish language and literature subject. All this aims to contribute to reinforcing in students the cultural relationship that exists between Arabic literature and Hispanic literature, since there are some interesting differences and similarities to address, so that students have a meaningful learning also working on values and lessons learned from fables.
[EN] The objective of this study is to offer students an education in values through Arabic literature and fables. In this research you can find relevant information about the introduction of Arabic literature in Spain, as well as the way it is transmitted and its changes over time. There will also be a didactic unit in which some specific fables will be worked on in different ways. This will be addressed in the Spanish language and literature subject. All this aims to contribute to reinforcing in students the cultural relationship that exists between Arabic literature and Hispanic literature, since there are some interesting differences and similarities to address, so that students have a meaningful learning also working on values and lessons learned from fables.
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Educación Física