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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Tras el comienzo de la crisis económica en 2007, y ante la
limitación de las políticas públicas para afrontar la coyuntura, el
Gobierno se centra fundamentalmente en políticas fiscales,
centradas en el ingreso. El elevado déficit público, la tendencia a
un excesivo endeudamiento y la importante reducción de la
recaudación, hacen necesaria una reforma fiscal que no se ciña
sólo a alteraciones cosméticas de las más relevantes figuras
tributarias. Analizamos las medidas llevadas a cabo para mejorar
la situación presupuestaria, aumentando los ingresos públicos a
través de un aumento en la recaudación. Entre las medidas
estudiadas, destacamos las operadas sobre los tributos de mayor
relevancia presupuestaria, los planes de lucha contra el fraude
fiscal y las modificaciones en el procedimiento de recaudación,
fundamentalmente las facilidades para el pago de la deuda en un
momento de difícil acceso al crédito.
[EN] After the onset of the economic crisis in 2007, and with the limitation of public policies to address the situation, the Government focuses primarily on fiscal policies based on income. The high public deficit, the tendency to excessive debt and the sign(ficant reduction in revenue, require a tax reform that does not adhere only to cosmetic changes in the most relevan! tax figures. We analyze the measures taken to improve the budgetary situation, increasing government revenue through increased tax revenues. Among the measures studied, we highlight the measures operated on tributes greater budgetmy relevance, plans to combat taxfraud and changes in the recove,y proceedings, .fundamental/y the facilities for the payment of the debt at a time of d[fficult access to credit.
[EN] After the onset of the economic crisis in 2007, and with the limitation of public policies to address the situation, the Government focuses primarily on fiscal policies based on income. The high public deficit, the tendency to excessive debt and the sign(ficant reduction in revenue, require a tax reform that does not adhere only to cosmetic changes in the most relevan! tax figures. We analyze the measures taken to improve the budgetary situation, increasing government revenue through increased tax revenues. Among the measures studied, we highlight the measures operated on tributes greater budgetmy relevance, plans to combat taxfraud and changes in the recove,y proceedings, .fundamental/y the facilities for the payment of the debt at a time of d[fficult access to credit.