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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En este Trabajo Fin de Master se investiga el empleo de huesos de aceituna como refuerzo en la fabricación de materiales compuestos de matriz de polipropileno reciclado de posconsumo. Se pretende valorizar este subproducto procedente de la industria del olivar usado normalmente como biocombustible, y que a menudo origina problemas de disposición.
Adicionalmente, se pretende disminuir el uso de plásticos derivados del petróleo. Se propone la fabricación de composites empleando el subproducto hueso de aceituna y la incorporación de aditivos, para una mejora adicional de las propiedades mecánicas y físicas. Para ello, se han fabricado muestras que emplea porcentajes en peso de hueso del 0 (polipropileno puro), 20 y 45%. Las muestras con porcentajes de sustitución
This Master Thesis investigates the use of olive pits as reinforcement in the manufacture of post-consumer recycled polypropylene matrix composites. The aim is to valorize this by-product from the olive industry, which is normally used as biofuel, and which often causes disposal problems. In addition, the aim is to reduce the use of petroleum-derived plastics. It is proposed the manufacture of composites using the olive pit by-product and the incorporation of additives to improve the mechanical and physical properties. For this purpose, samples have been manufactured using percentages of 0 (pure polypropylene), 20 and 45% by weight of olive pits. The samples with olive pits substitution percentages have been studied with the incorporation of a process additive and an impact modifier additive.
This Master Thesis investigates the use of olive pits as reinforcement in the manufacture of post-consumer recycled polypropylene matrix composites. The aim is to valorize this by-product from the olive industry, which is normally used as biofuel, and which often causes disposal problems. In addition, the aim is to reduce the use of petroleum-derived plastics. It is proposed the manufacture of composites using the olive pit by-product and the incorporation of additives to improve the mechanical and physical properties. For this purpose, samples have been manufactured using percentages of 0 (pure polypropylene), 20 and 45% by weight of olive pits. The samples with olive pits substitution percentages have been studied with the incorporation of a process additive and an impact modifier additive.