Un amanecer necesario: La lucha feminista durante la transición democrática
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El presente trabajo se centra en el análisis del feminismo durante la Transición democrática
española. Para ello hemos de remontarnos a los últimos años del franquismo, donde la lucha
de las mujeres se centra no solo en tratar de conseguir la igualdad con respecto al varón, sino
que también era básico terminar con el régimen para poder alcanzar la libertad femenina.
Además, nos centramos en analizar su campo de acción, así como sus logros durante los
primeros años de la democracia a través del papel de diferentes asociaciones de mujeres,
como las asociaciones de amas de casa o movimientos como el Movimiento Democrático de
Mujeres, de su participación en partidos políticos y de publicaciones como Vindicación
Femenina, entre otros.
[EN]This paper focuses on the analysis of feminism during the Spanish democratic transition. So we have to go back to the last years of the Franco's regime, where the struggle of women focuses not only on trying to get equality with the man, but was also basic end to the regime in order to achieve women's freedom. In addition, we focus on analyzing its scope as well as its achievements during the first years of democracy through the role of different women's associations, and associations of housewives or movements as the Democratic Women's Movement, its participation in political parties and publications such as Women's Vindication, among others.
[EN]This paper focuses on the analysis of feminism during the Spanish democratic transition. So we have to go back to the last years of the Franco's regime, where the struggle of women focuses not only on trying to get equality with the man, but was also basic end to the regime in order to achieve women's freedom. In addition, we focus on analyzing its scope as well as its achievements during the first years of democracy through the role of different women's associations, and associations of housewives or movements as the Democratic Women's Movement, its participation in political parties and publications such as Women's Vindication, among others.