El justiprecio desde la perspectiva de la Ley de Expropiación Forzosa de 1954
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Mediante el presente Trabajo, denominado ‘El Justiprecio desde la perspectiva de la Ley de Expropiación forzosa de 1954’’ he querido plasmar una de las garantías a favor de la propiedad en el proceso expropiatorio, el derecho a obtener un Justo Precio en compensación por la pérdida patrimonial causada a favor del interés y la necesidad social.
El objetivo es analizar el procedimiento, desde las actuaciones previas al expediente expropiatorio, hasta la determinación del Justiprecio, pago, e impugnación, desde la perspectiva de nuestra ley reguladora actual.
Nos centraremos en el procedimiento del justiprecio dentro del proceso expropiatorio, sin atender a criterios de valoración, expresando la complejidad de este derecho desde la apertura del expediente expropiatorio.
Finalmente señalaré los métodos de defensa del expropiado ante la decisión objetiva de los Jurados de Expropiación, y la garantía legal de la retasación ante la caducidad del justiprecio provocada por la no efectividad del pago.
[EN] This Work, called 'The Justification from the perspective of the Law of Compulsory Expropriation of 1954' ' pretended to capture one of the guarantees for the estate, in the expropriation process, the right to get a right Price in compensation for the patrimonial loss caused in favor of social necessities. The objective is dissect the process, from the preliminary actions to the expropriatory file, to the determination of the Justification, payment, and impugnment, from the perspective of our actual law. We will focus on the process to get the right Price on the expropriation process, without talk about valoration of the things an rights, expressing the complexity of this right since the opening of the expropriation file. Finally, I will indicate the defense methods of the expropriated before the objective decision of the Expropriation Juries, and the legal guarantee of the reassessment before the expiration of the justification caused by the non-effectiveness of the payment.
[EN] This Work, called 'The Justification from the perspective of the Law of Compulsory Expropriation of 1954' ' pretended to capture one of the guarantees for the estate, in the expropriation process, the right to get a right Price in compensation for the patrimonial loss caused in favor of social necessities. The objective is dissect the process, from the preliminary actions to the expropriatory file, to the determination of the Justification, payment, and impugnment, from the perspective of our actual law. We will focus on the process to get the right Price on the expropriation process, without talk about valoration of the things an rights, expressing the complexity of this right since the opening of the expropriation file. Finally, I will indicate the defense methods of the expropriated before the objective decision of the Expropriation Juries, and the legal guarantee of the reassessment before the expiration of the justification caused by the non-effectiveness of the payment.