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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Constelaciones es un trabajo de investigación a través de la crea-
ción artística que viaja al interior de cuatro mujeres, desde la visión de una
de ellas, buscando en lo más profundo de su memoria, rememorando el
recuerdo que tiene de ellas y de sí misma antes y después de vivir con la
perdida de un ser querido. Estos recuerdos ayudarán a plasmar la perso-
nalidad de cada una de ellas, representando como vivieron la oscuridad y
como volvieron a resurgir superando la perdida y aceptando vivir con ella.
Con este proyecto, la “narradora” consiguió ponerse en el lugar
de las otras mujeres, conocerlas aún más y adentrarse en su mundo refle-
jando todo esto de una forma simbólica y en cierto modo poética.
Es un trabajo que camina por la vida de esas cuatro mujeres que
acaban aceptando lo que viene y lo que se va. Haciéndolas libres.
El trabajo contiene cinco mapas conceptuales (cuatro + uno), lla-
mados constelaciones. Uno por cada mujer y otro central que nos muestra
las fases por las que pasaron y el apoyo que tuvieron en todo el recorrido.
A su vez, cada pieza individual está compuesta por más piezas circulares,
las cuales se concretan más adelante.
Oscuridad, asimilación o liberación son algunos de los conceptos
que se barajan en este proyecto. PALABRAS CLAVE
Transición / Aceptación-Asimilación / Superación / Transformación /
Fuerza / Amor / Liberación / Luz / Ilustración / Retrato.
[EN]Constellations is a research work through the creation artistic vision that travels to the interior of four women, from the vision of a of them, searching in the depths of his memory, recalling the I remember that she has them and herself before and after living with the loss of a loved one. These memories will help shape the person each of them, representing how they lived through darkness and how they reappeared, overcoming the loss and accepting to live with it. With this project, the "narrator" managed to put herself in the place of the other women, get to know them even more and enter their reflective world putting all this in a symbolic and somewhat poetic way. It is a job that walks through the lives of those four women who they end up accepting what comes and what goes. Making them free. The work contains five concept maps (four + one), called bad constellations. One for each woman and another center that shows us the phases they went through and the support they had throughout the journey. In turn, each individual piece is made up of more circular pieces, which are specified later. Darkness, assimilation or liberation are some of the concepts that are shuffled in this project. KEYWORDS Transition / Acceptance-Assimilation / Overcoming / Transformation / Strength / Love / Liberation / Light / Illustration / Portrait.
[EN]Constellations is a research work through the creation artistic vision that travels to the interior of four women, from the vision of a of them, searching in the depths of his memory, recalling the I remember that she has them and herself before and after living with the loss of a loved one. These memories will help shape the person each of them, representing how they lived through darkness and how they reappeared, overcoming the loss and accepting to live with it. With this project, the "narrator" managed to put herself in the place of the other women, get to know them even more and enter their reflective world putting all this in a symbolic and somewhat poetic way. It is a job that walks through the lives of those four women who they end up accepting what comes and what goes. Making them free. The work contains five concept maps (four + one), called bad constellations. One for each woman and another center that shows us the phases they went through and the support they had throughout the journey. In turn, each individual piece is made up of more circular pieces, which are specified later. Darkness, assimilation or liberation are some of the concepts that are shuffled in this project. KEYWORDS Transition / Acceptance-Assimilation / Overcoming / Transformation / Strength / Love / Liberation / Light / Illustration / Portrait.
Palabras clave