Posible utilidad de las intervenciones educativas en relación a la salud mental en cuidadores/as de persona que han sufrido un ictus: una revisión sistemática.
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[ES]Introducción: En España, la patología cerebrovascular es una causa muy frecuente en relación a la hospitalización y la
morbilidad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue Evaluar la efectividad de una intervención de carácter informativo,
educativo, psicoeducativo o multimodal, en la reducción de la ansiedad y sobrecarga subjetiva y la disminución de
síntomas depresivos de cuidadoras principales de personas que han sufrido un ictus.
Metodología: Hemos realizado una revisión de la literatura en las bases de datos nacionales e internacionales: CINAHL,
PubMed, Lillacs, Cuiden y ProQuest. Como resultado hemos seleccionado 20 estudios.
Resultados: Tras realizar la investigación se obtiene como una intervención de carácter informativo, educativo,
psicoeducativo o multimodal podría disminuir la ansiedad, depresión, y/o sobrecarga, en los cuidadores/as.
Conclusión: Con respecto a la dirección negativa de las intervenciones, se extraen resultados beneficiosos ya que se
indica la posibilidad de que al llevarlas a cabo, se podría disminuir la sobrecarga, la depresión y la ansiedad, siendo
[EN]Introduction: In Spain, cerebrovascular disease is a very common cause of hospitalization and morbidity. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effectiveness of an informative, educational, psychoeducational or multimodal intervention in reducing anxiety and subjective overload and in reducing depressive symptoms of primary caregivers of people who have suffered a stroke. Methodology: We conducted a review of the literature in national and international databases: CINAHL, PubMed, Lillacs, Cuiden and ProQuest. As a result we have selected 20 studies. Results: After conducting the research, we obtained that an informative, educational, psychoeducational or multimodal intervention could reduce anxiety, depression, and/or overload, in caregivers. Conclusion: With respect to the negative direction of the interventions, beneficial results are extracted since the possibility is indicated that when carrying out them, the overload, the depression and the anxiety could be diminished, being necessary a more ample investigation in relation to the approached subject that confirms the results in relation to the direction.
[EN]Introduction: In Spain, cerebrovascular disease is a very common cause of hospitalization and morbidity. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effectiveness of an informative, educational, psychoeducational or multimodal intervention in reducing anxiety and subjective overload and in reducing depressive symptoms of primary caregivers of people who have suffered a stroke. Methodology: We conducted a review of the literature in national and international databases: CINAHL, PubMed, Lillacs, Cuiden and ProQuest. As a result we have selected 20 studies. Results: After conducting the research, we obtained that an informative, educational, psychoeducational or multimodal intervention could reduce anxiety, depression, and/or overload, in caregivers. Conclusion: With respect to the negative direction of the interventions, beneficial results are extracted since the possibility is indicated that when carrying out them, the overload, the depression and the anxiety could be diminished, being necessary a more ample investigation in relation to the approached subject that confirms the results in relation to the direction.