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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El concepto servicio universal de telecomunicaciones supone una novedad
respecto a la noción clásica de servicio público, ya que la Administración Pública,
reguladora en materia de telecomunicaciones tiene que garantizar un conjunto de
prestaciones, consideradas esenciales al ciudadano en un entorno de libre competencia
en el mercado. Lo que se pretende principalmente es ofrecer al ciudadano un servicio de
mayor calidad, con precios asequibles, con independencia de su ubicación geográfica y
cumplir con las garantías establecidas legalmente, para poder llevar a cabo una correcta
evolución del proceso de liberalización del mercado de las telecomunicaciones. Con
este fin se debe de tener en cuenta tres elementos principales y estos son: que es lo que
verdaderamente se garantiza, quién debe prestar el servicio y como se tiene que
financiar dicho servicio así como el precio del mismo.
[EN] The concept universal telecommunications service is a novelty compared to the classical notion of public service, as the regulatory Public Administration, in telecommunications must guarantee a set of benefits, deemed essential to citizens in an environment of free competition in the market. This is mainly intended to offer the citizen a higher quality, service with affordable prices, regardless of their geographical location and meet legally established safeguards, to carry out a proper evolution of the process of liberalization of telecommunications market. To this end it must take into account three main elements and these are: that is what really is guaranteed, who should provide the service and how it has to finance the service and its price.
[EN] The concept universal telecommunications service is a novelty compared to the classical notion of public service, as the regulatory Public Administration, in telecommunications must guarantee a set of benefits, deemed essential to citizens in an environment of free competition in the market. This is mainly intended to offer the citizen a higher quality, service with affordable prices, regardless of their geographical location and meet legally established safeguards, to carry out a proper evolution of the process of liberalization of telecommunications market. To this end it must take into account three main elements and these are: that is what really is guaranteed, who should provide the service and how it has to finance the service and its price.