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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Este trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG), está centrado en el estudio de la mujer
en el ámbito laboral, destacando la protección de igualdad y no
Las mujeres siguen encontrándose con grandes impedimentos para
acceder al mercado de trabajo. Las desigualdades entre hombres y
mujeres persisten en los puestos de trabajo en lo que respecta a salarios,
oportunidades y resultados. Se ha producido una mejora que aún deja de
ser suficiente.
Las mujeres que permanecen en situación de desempleo cuentan con
menos posibilidades para acceder en el mercado laboral, y si lo hacen,
son obligadas a aceptar empleos de peor índole.
El reparto de las labores domésticas y el cuidado de los hijos continua
sin ser equitativo entre ambos es la mujer la encargada de llevarlo,
siendo un gran concluyente de la desigualdad de género en el trabajo.
[EN] This end-of-degree project is focused on the study of women in the work sphere, emphasizing on protection of the principle of equality and non discrimination. Women continue to encounter great impediments in order to access the labor market. The inequalities between men and women persist in job, with respect to wages, opportunities and results. Even though there has been and improvement, it is still far from complete. Women who remain unemployed have fewer possibilities to access the labour market and, if they do, are offered worse working conditions. Children care and housework distribution are not equitable between men and women yet. Women usually play a crucial role in them, which happen to be decisive in gender inequality at work.
[EN] This end-of-degree project is focused on the study of women in the work sphere, emphasizing on protection of the principle of equality and non discrimination. Women continue to encounter great impediments in order to access the labor market. The inequalities between men and women persist in job, with respect to wages, opportunities and results. Even though there has been and improvement, it is still far from complete. Women who remain unemployed have fewer possibilities to access the labour market and, if they do, are offered worse working conditions. Children care and housework distribution are not equitable between men and women yet. Women usually play a crucial role in them, which happen to be decisive in gender inequality at work.