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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El Pícaro es un proyecto de orientación literaria que utiliza la prensa escrita para transmitir los saberes adscritos a la enseñanza de la que es una obra culmen de la literatura española. El objetivo último es el aprendizaje significativo de un contenido curricular, al tiempo que se dota al lenguaje de un uso funcional y se potencian las habilidades comunicativas del discente. Para lograrlo, la metodología empleada es el aprendizaje basado en proyectos o ABP, una fórmula que orienta todas las tareas propuestas a la elaboración de un producto final, en este caso, un periódico literario. El enfoque comunicativo de la iniciativa, así como el acercamiento novedoso y sugerente a un material de
difícil comprensión como son los clásicos, fomentan la implicación del alumno y el desarrollo de un hábito lector. De esta manera, en definitiva, se apuesta por la transición desde la enseñanza tradicional de la literatura hasta la educación literaria.
[EN] El Pícaro is a literary-oriented project that uses the written press to transmit the knowledge attached to the teaching of what is a Spanish literature’s essential work. The ultimate objective is the meaningful learning of a curricular content, while giving the language a functional use and enhancing the communication skills of the learner. To achieve this, the methodology used is project-based learning or PBL, a formula that guides all the proposed tasks to the elaboration of a final product, in this case, a literary newspaper. The communicative approach of the initiative, as well as the newfangled and suggestive approach to a difficult-to-understand material such as the classics, encourage the student involvement and the development of a reading habit. So, definitely, it is committed to the transition from the traditional teaching of literature to literary education.
[EN] El Pícaro is a literary-oriented project that uses the written press to transmit the knowledge attached to the teaching of what is a Spanish literature’s essential work. The ultimate objective is the meaningful learning of a curricular content, while giving the language a functional use and enhancing the communication skills of the learner. To achieve this, the methodology used is project-based learning or PBL, a formula that guides all the proposed tasks to the elaboration of a final product, in this case, a literary newspaper. The communicative approach of the initiative, as well as the newfangled and suggestive approach to a difficult-to-understand material such as the classics, encourage the student involvement and the development of a reading habit. So, definitely, it is committed to the transition from the traditional teaching of literature to literary education.