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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El trabajo está centrado en la elaboración de un Sistema de Información Geográfica para el municipio de Arenas del Rey, con la finalidad de facilitar la gestión de sus equipamientos y servicios. Esto ayudará en la toma de decisiones y además, la información queda a disposición de los ciudadanos por medio de un geoportal. La información que se incluye ha sido recopilada de fuentes de libre acceso o generada mediante análisis geoespacial. Cuenta con capas de información básicas del territorio, ortofotografías, usos del suelo, catastro, equipamientos urbanos, red de alcantarillado, abastecimiento, iluminación, pavimentación. red de puntos de control de plagas, ubicación de elementos a lo largo del sendero más turístico del municipio y una valoración de la aptitud del territorio para la implantación de una pequeña zona industrial.
The work is focused on the development of a Geographic Information System for the municipality of Arenas del Rey, in order to facilitate the management of its facilities and services. This will help in decision making and also, the information is available to citizens through a geoportal. The information included has been compiled from open access sources or generated through geospatial analysis. It has basic information layers of the territory, orthophotographs, land use, cadastre, urban facilities, sewage network, supply, lighting, paving, pest control points network, location of elements along the most touristic path of the municipality and an assessment of the suitability of the territory for the implementation of a small industrial area.
The work is focused on the development of a Geographic Information System for the municipality of Arenas del Rey, in order to facilitate the management of its facilities and services. This will help in decision making and also, the information is available to citizens through a geoportal. The information included has been compiled from open access sources or generated through geospatial analysis. It has basic information layers of the territory, orthophotographs, land use, cadastre, urban facilities, sewage network, supply, lighting, paving, pest control points network, location of elements along the most touristic path of the municipality and an assessment of the suitability of the territory for the implementation of a small industrial area.