El Calentamiento Global y la importancia de la Educación Ambiental
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[ES] Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado consiste en el diseño de una propuesta didáctica en la que se emplea la metodología de aprendizaje basado en proyectos para llevarlo a cabo en el 4º curso de Educación Primaria. En primer lugar, se ha realizado una investigación sobre el Calentamiento Global y la importancia de la Educación Ambiental como una solución para este grave problema medioambiental. Posteriormente, se diseñó el proyecto de esta propuesta didáctica el cual tiene como principal objetivo concienciar al alumnado acerca de los grandes problemas medioambientales en la actualidad y así conseguir que los alumnos y alumnas desarrollen unas hábitos y comportamientos con el cuidado del entorno, a través de actividades dinámicas y llamativas para despertar su interés y motivación.
[EN] This final degree Project consist of the design of a didactic proposal in which it is used the methodology of Project-based learning to carry out in 4º school year of Primary Education. First of all, it has been done an investigation about Global Warming and the importance of environmental education as a solution to this serious environment problem. Afterwards, the project of this didactic proposal was designed which has as main objective to raise awareness the student body about the environments problems at present and in this way to reach the students develop habits and behaviours with the protect of the environment, through of dynamics and strikings activities to awaken interest and motivation.
[EN] This final degree Project consist of the design of a didactic proposal in which it is used the methodology of Project-based learning to carry out in 4º school year of Primary Education. First of all, it has been done an investigation about Global Warming and the importance of environmental education as a solution to this serious environment problem. Afterwards, the project of this didactic proposal was designed which has as main objective to raise awareness the student body about the environments problems at present and in this way to reach the students develop habits and behaviours with the protect of the environment, through of dynamics and strikings activities to awaken interest and motivation.