Elementos didácticos y de organización en los Centros Ocupacionales. Estudio de caso.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)La terminología referida a las personas con discapacidad ha ido experimentando diversos cambios en el tiempo. Actualmente, la población de
personas con discapacidad está creciendo ante el envejecimiento de la sociedad, encontrándose con “diversas barreras” que pueden impedir
su participación en condiciones de igualdad. Es por ello que surge el Centro Ocupacional como un servicio social y como medida de equidad
en aras de la integración social. Los fines que se persiguen en este trabajo son el de conocer las medidas de carácter tuitivo para este
colectivo y entender la naturaleza de un Centro Ocupacional, apoyados en objetivos y valorados mediante indicadores definidos a tal fin. Se
ha centrado la atención en el objetivo de investigación de conocer las competencias del personal de un Centro Ocupacional. La metodología
empleada está basada en el estudio de caso, la cual se utiliza como una herramienta de investigación y aprendizaje, mediante un estudio
descriptivo para analizar y comparar las habilidades del personal de un Centro Ocupacional con otro estudio impulsado en 2017 por la
Asociación Empresarial para la Discapacidad y, además, reseñar la competencia didáctica ausente de forma explícita mediante un currículo
específico para este tipo de centros. Para este análisis, se ha empleado una escala de tipo Likert en el diseño del estudio experimental. Como
resultado se ha obtenido por una lado que existe una valoración de “de acuerdo” en todas las competencias evaluadas y, por otro lado, que
existen similitudes entre ambos estudios: en cuanto a habilidades sociales, el liderazgo en el personal veterano, y el adaptar la comunicación
según los usuarios son relevantes; en referencia a la gestión del trabajo se valora positivamente la capacidad de adaptación y, por último, en
cuanto al desarrollo profesional, se le da importancia a la formación continua con especial atención a las TICs.
(EN)The terminology referred to people with disabilities has undergone various changes over time. Currently, the population of people with disabilities is growing due to the aging of society, encountering "various barriers" that may prevent their participation under equal conditions. That is why the Occupational Center emerges as a social service and as a measure of equity for the sake of social integration. The purposes pursued in this work are to know the measures of a protective nature for this group and understand the nature of an Occupational Center, supported by objectives and valued through indicators defined for this purpose. Attention has been focused on the research objective of knowing the competencies of the personnel of an Occupational Center. The methodology used is based on the case study, which is used as a research and learning tool, through a descriptive study to analyze and compare the skills of the personnel of an Occupational Center with another study promoted in 2017 by the Business Association for Disability and, in addition, review the didactic competence explicitly absent through a specific curriculum for this type of center. For this analysis, a Likert-type scale has been used in the design of the experimental study. As a result, it has been obtained, on the one hand, that there is an assessment of "agree" in all the competencies evaluated and, on the other hand, that there are similarities between both studies: in terms of social skills, leadership in veteran personnel, and the adapt the communication according to the users are relevant; in reference to work management, the ability to adapt is valued positively and, finally, in terms of professional development, importance is given to continuous training with special attention to ICTs.
(EN)The terminology referred to people with disabilities has undergone various changes over time. Currently, the population of people with disabilities is growing due to the aging of society, encountering "various barriers" that may prevent their participation under equal conditions. That is why the Occupational Center emerges as a social service and as a measure of equity for the sake of social integration. The purposes pursued in this work are to know the measures of a protective nature for this group and understand the nature of an Occupational Center, supported by objectives and valued through indicators defined for this purpose. Attention has been focused on the research objective of knowing the competencies of the personnel of an Occupational Center. The methodology used is based on the case study, which is used as a research and learning tool, through a descriptive study to analyze and compare the skills of the personnel of an Occupational Center with another study promoted in 2017 by the Business Association for Disability and, in addition, review the didactic competence explicitly absent through a specific curriculum for this type of center. For this analysis, a Likert-type scale has been used in the design of the experimental study. As a result, it has been obtained, on the one hand, that there is an assessment of "agree" in all the competencies evaluated and, on the other hand, that there are similarities between both studies: in terms of social skills, leadership in veteran personnel, and the adapt the communication according to the users are relevant; in reference to work management, the ability to adapt is valued positively and, finally, in terms of professional development, importance is given to continuous training with special attention to ICTs.