Funcionamiento ejecutivo y estilos parentales en niños de Educación Infantil
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El objetivo primordial que pretende este estudio es comprobar la relación que guardan las funciones ejecutivas en niños/as de la etapa de Educación Infantil con los estilos parentales, observando algunas técnicas que tanto padres como madres utilizan con sus hijos para lograr así el desarrollo de los sujetos. Han participado un total de 109 niños con edades comprendidas entre los 3 y 6 años, 60 niñas y 49 niños de diferentes centros educativos de Andalucía. Además trataremos los aspectos más importantes relacionados con el funcionamiento ejecutivo en niños/as preescolares, así como en el grado de influencia que tiene la familia en el contexto escolar y el desarrollo del niño/a.
The objective of this study is to verify the relationship between executive functions in children of the Early Childhood Education stage with parenting styles, observing some techniques that both mothers and fathers use with their children to achieve the development of the subjects. A total of 109 children aged between 3 and 6 years participated in this study, 60 girls and 49 boys from different educational centers in Andalusia. In addition, we will discuss the most important aspects related to executive functioning in preschool children, as well as the degree of influence that the family has in the school context and the child's development.
The objective of this study is to verify the relationship between executive functions in children of the Early Childhood Education stage with parenting styles, observing some techniques that both mothers and fathers use with their children to achieve the development of the subjects. A total of 109 children aged between 3 and 6 years participated in this study, 60 girls and 49 boys from different educational centers in Andalusia. In addition, we will discuss the most important aspects related to executive functioning in preschool children, as well as the degree of influence that the family has in the school context and the child's development.