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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El presente trabajo trata sobre la regulación de los arrendamientos de carácter rustico en España.
Se va a estudiar las distintas normas que regulan dicho tipo de arrendamientos con especial
detención en la norma mas moderna como es la ley 49/2003 la cual es la vigente en estos momentos
en dicha materia
la presente ley consta de 34 artículos de los cuales este trabajo se va a centrar en los temas de
derechos de adquisición preferente, pago de la renta por parte de los arrendatarios así como forma
de los contratos y duración de los mismos.
[EN] The present work deals with the regulation of leases of rustic character in Spain. It will study the different rules that regulate the type of leases with special detention in the most modern standard as it is the law 49/2003 which is the force in these moments in the matter the present law consists of 34 articles of which of this work are focused on the subjects of preferential acquisition rights, rent payment by the tenants as well as the form of the contracts and the duration of the same.
[EN] The present work deals with the regulation of leases of rustic character in Spain. It will study the different rules that regulate the type of leases with special detention in the most modern standard as it is the law 49/2003 which is the force in these moments in the matter the present law consists of 34 articles of which of this work are focused on the subjects of preferential acquisition rights, rent payment by the tenants as well as the form of the contracts and the duration of the same.