Áreas y longitudes a través de una situación de aprendizaje
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)El Trabajo Fin de Grado presenta los fundamentos para crear la Unidad Didáctica "Longitudes y áreas" en 1o de
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Se analizan tres libros para comparar cómo se presentan los nuevos conceptos a los
alumnos. En la fundamentación epistemológica, se desarrollan los conceptos a partir del espacio vectorial y sus
operaciones, basándose en el Tema 53 del temario de Matemáticas. La fundamentación didáctica examina diversas
investigaciones para encontrar las metodologías más adecuadas y considerar las posibles dificultades de los alumnos
al aprender Geometría. Por último, se sintetiza el trabajo previo para diseñar una programación didáctica de la unidad
"Longitudes y áreas" a través de una Situación de Aprendizaje, siguiendo la Orden de 30 de mayo de 2023 que
desarrolla el currículo de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria en Andalucía [LOMLOE].
(EN)The Final Degree Project presents the foundations for creating the Didactic Unit "Lengths and areas" in the 1st year of Compulsory Secondary Education. Three books are analysed to compare how the new concepts are presented to students. In the epistemological foundation, the concepts are developed on the basis of vector space and its operations, based on Topic 53 of the Mathematics syllabus. The didactic foundation examines various research studies to find the most appropriate methodologies and to consider the possible difficulties students may have in learning geometry. Finally, the previous work is synthesised in order to design a didactic programme for the unit "Lengths and areas" through a Learning Situation, following the Order of 30 May 2023 which develops the curriculum of Compulsory Secondary Education in Andalusia [LOMLOE].
(EN)The Final Degree Project presents the foundations for creating the Didactic Unit "Lengths and areas" in the 1st year of Compulsory Secondary Education. Three books are analysed to compare how the new concepts are presented to students. In the epistemological foundation, the concepts are developed on the basis of vector space and its operations, based on Topic 53 of the Mathematics syllabus. The didactic foundation examines various research studies to find the most appropriate methodologies and to consider the possible difficulties students may have in learning geometry. Finally, the previous work is synthesised in order to design a didactic programme for the unit "Lengths and areas" through a Learning Situation, following the Order of 30 May 2023 which develops the curriculum of Compulsory Secondary Education in Andalusia [LOMLOE].