El Mobbing desde una Perspectiva Social y Jurídica.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El mobbing o acoso laboral es un problema de carácter social que ha sido denominado "La plaga laboral de] Siglo XXI", una muestra de la magnitud del problema al que nos enfrentamos. El acoso en e1 lugar de trabajo ha evolucionado peligrosamente en las últimas décadas y hoy día es un tema de actualidad sobre el que cada vez más autores han aportado las claves, respuestas y soluciones al problema, tratando de alertar del
peligro que supone para la población activa de un país, y las catastróficas consecuencias que conlleva el incremento de casos de los que se tiene constancia. La sociedad se encuentra cada vez más concienciada pero
aún queda mucho por hacer. Este trabajo tratará de abordar el fenómeno del mobbing desde un punto de vista social y jurídico. Se trata de un problema de gravedad extrema, y así se tratará de exponer.
Mobbing or harassment is a social problem that has been called " The labor plague of the Century ", a sample of the magnitude of the problem we face. Harassment in the work place has evolved dangerously in recent decades and today is a current issue on which more and more authors have provided key answers and solutions to the problem, trying to wam of the danger to the population active in a country, and the catastrophic consequences that entails increasing cases than on record. Society is increasingly concerned but much remains to be done. This issue will try to address the phenomenon of mobbing from a social and above all law perspective. lt is an extremely serious problem, and thus seek to expose.
Mobbing or harassment is a social problem that has been called " The labor plague of the Century ", a sample of the magnitude of the problem we face. Harassment in the work place has evolved dangerously in recent decades and today is a current issue on which more and more authors have provided key answers and solutions to the problem, trying to wam of the danger to the population active in a country, and the catastrophic consequences that entails increasing cases than on record. Society is increasingly concerned but much remains to be done. This issue will try to address the phenomenon of mobbing from a social and above all law perspective. lt is an extremely serious problem, and thus seek to expose.