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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)Cada vez es más frecuente que el alumnado utilice las redes sociales e Internet para
interactuar, y es por eso que estas plataformas le resultan altamente atractivas. Ante esta
realidad, el principal objetivo de este trabajo es analizar cómo los docentes podemos
aprovechar estas herramientas como instrumentos de enseñanza. Así, los estudiantes
pueden familiarizarse y tener un primer contacto con redes sociales con fines educativos,
siempre promoviendo un uso adecuado y responsable de la tecnología. A través de esta
investigación, se estudiará el concepto de “red social”, se indagará sobre los diferentes tipos
existentes, y se analizarán las ventajas de implementar estas plataformas digitales en el aula.
No obstante, es importante tener en cuenta los riesgos asociados al uso de las redes sociales
e Internet y la seguridad y privacidad de los datos personales.
(EN)Students nowadays are increasingly learning towards the use of social networks and the Internet to interact, and this is the main reason why these platforms are highly attractive to them. Given this reality, the main objective of this paper is to analyze how teachers can take advantage of these tools as teaching instruments. Thus, students can become familiar and have a first contact with social networks for educational purposes, always promoting an appropriate and responsible use of technology. Through this research, the concept of "social network" will be studied, the different existing types will be investigated, and the advantages of implementing these digital platforms in the classroom will be analyzed. However, it is important to take into account the risks associated with the use of social networks and the Internet and the security and privacy of personal data.
(EN)Students nowadays are increasingly learning towards the use of social networks and the Internet to interact, and this is the main reason why these platforms are highly attractive to them. Given this reality, the main objective of this paper is to analyze how teachers can take advantage of these tools as teaching instruments. Thus, students can become familiar and have a first contact with social networks for educational purposes, always promoting an appropriate and responsible use of technology. Through this research, the concept of "social network" will be studied, the different existing types will be investigated, and the advantages of implementing these digital platforms in the classroom will be analyzed. However, it is important to take into account the risks associated with the use of social networks and the Internet and the security and privacy of personal data.