El procedimiento de investidura en España
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Vamos a analizar el sistema de investidura empleado en España y la problemática que se ha creado entorno a la ruptura del bipartismo. También estudiaremos el artículo 99 de la constitución, encargado de regular el proceso de investidura, que nos conducirá a analizar el papel que desempeña el Rey a la hora de proponer candidato y el margen que posee para ello, y también la tarea del Presidente del Congreso, necesaria para formalizar la investidura del candidato propuesto.
Se pretende explicar cómo se lleva a cabo la investidura del Presidente del Gobierno y la complicada situación que se da cuando no hay una mayoría parlamentaria en el Congreso para la elección del candidato, lo cual puede conllevar a un largo periodo de interinidad hasta la formación de un nuevo gobierno. Asímismo se profundizará en algunas ideas de cara a una futura reforma del artículo 99 de la Constitución.
[EN] We are going to analyze the investment system of employees in Spain and the problems that have created an environment for the rupture of bipartism. It will also study article 99 of the constitution, in charge of regulating the investment process, which will lead to analyze the role played by the king when proposing a candidate and the margin he has for it, and also the task of the President of the Congress Necessary to formalize the investment of the proposed candidate. It is about explaining how the investment is carried out. The president of the government and the complication. The situation occurs when there is no parliamentarian in the Congress for the election of the candidate, which can entail a long interim period until the formation of a new government. Also, some ideas will be deepened in view of a future reform of Article 99 of the Constitution.
[EN] We are going to analyze the investment system of employees in Spain and the problems that have created an environment for the rupture of bipartism. It will also study article 99 of the constitution, in charge of regulating the investment process, which will lead to analyze the role played by the king when proposing a candidate and the margin he has for it, and also the task of the President of the Congress Necessary to formalize the investment of the proposed candidate. It is about explaining how the investment is carried out. The president of the government and the complication. The situation occurs when there is no parliamentarian in the Congress for the election of the candidate, which can entail a long interim period until the formation of a new government. Also, some ideas will be deepened in view of a future reform of Article 99 of the Constitution.