Bancos de tiempo: una alternativa en tiempos de crisis
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este Trabajo Fin de Grado supone un acercamiento a los bancos de tiempo, su concepto, constitución, funcionamiento y utilidad para la comunidad. La intención de este trabajo es realizar un análisis de este tipo de organismos desde la perspectiva del trabajo social.
Los Bancos de Tiempo realizan una labor social muy importante, por tanto el impacto en la comunidad, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta la situación económica que España atraviesa actualmente, debería ser fortísimo. Existe un gran desconocimiento sobre ellos, lo que podría ser una de las causas por las que no están muy solicitados. Debido a esto, las personas están rechazando indirectamente una gran fuente de potencialidad y empoderamiento, cuando solamente carecen de la información necesaria para sumarse a esta iniciativa.
This final project suposses an approach to time banking, concept, constitution, functioning and usefulness to the community. The intention of this project is to realize an analysis of these organisms from the perspective of social work. Time Banks perform a very important social work, so the impact on the community, above all considering the economic situation that Spain is currently experiencing, should be very strong. There is a great ignorance about them, what could be one of the reasons why they are not in high demand. Because of this,people are rejecting a great source of potenciality and empowerment, only when they lack of the information needed to join to this initiative.
This final project suposses an approach to time banking, concept, constitution, functioning and usefulness to the community. The intention of this project is to realize an analysis of these organisms from the perspective of social work. Time Banks perform a very important social work, so the impact on the community, above all considering the economic situation that Spain is currently experiencing, should be very strong. There is a great ignorance about them, what could be one of the reasons why they are not in high demand. Because of this,people are rejecting a great source of potenciality and empowerment, only when they lack of the information needed to join to this initiative.