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El presente trabajo Fin de Grado trata sobre la Integración del alumnado diagnosticado con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH) a través de la Educación Emocional. Está estructurado en dos partes, la primera que es el marco teórico y la segunda que es un Plan de Intervención.
Actualmente el TDAH es uno de los trastornos que con mayor frecuencia se encuentra en las aulas de Primaria. Los tres principales síntomas son déficit de atención, hiperactividad e impulsividad. Así mismo, causas otros problemas en los sujetos que lo padecen, entre los que cabe destacar el déficit en cuanto a conducta social se refiere, por ello, la necesidad de un seguimiento rutinario y diario para poder desarrollarlo al máximo.
El principal objetivo de este trabajo ha sido crear un programa de intervención que permita a nuestro alumno TDAH, y en general, a cualquiera, poder participar e integrarse junto al resto de su clase, mediante la educación emocional, que está relacionada con las habilidades sociales, ya que, como se ha comentado antes, es necesario desarrollarlo.
Previo a esta intervención, se ha elaborado un marco teórico en el que se ha hablado de la educación emocional, de qué es una emoción, la clasificación de éstas, las características del TDAH para poder conocerlo mejor y ayudarlo al máximo, la conducta social, los diferentes tratamientos que existen y por último, hemos hablado de la educación
emocional en TDAH, donde hemos podido recoger diferentes investigaciones, programas…
que son beneficiosos para este tipo de alumnado.
This Final Degree Project deals with the integration of students diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) through Emotional Education. It is structured in two parts, the first which is the theoretical framework and the second that i s an Intervention Plan. It is currently one of the disorders most frequently found in primary school classrooms. The three main symptoms of this disorder are attention deficit, hyperactivity and impulsivity. It also causes other problems in the subjects who suffer from it, among which it is worth mentioning the deficit in terms of social behavior, thus, the need for a routine and daily follow-up in order to develop it to the maximum. The main objective of this work has been to create an intervention program that allows our ADHD student, and in general, anyone, to be able to participate and integrate with the rest of his class, through emotional education, which is related to social skills, since, as mentioned above, it is necessary to develop it. Prior to this intervention, we have elaborated a theoretical framework in which we have talked about emotional education, what is an emotion, the classification of these, the characteristics of ADHD in order to know it better and help it as much as possible, social behavior, the different treatments that exist and finally, we have talked about emotional education in ADHD, where we have been able to collect different research, programs... that are beneficial for this type of students.
This Final Degree Project deals with the integration of students diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) through Emotional Education. It is structured in two parts, the first which is the theoretical framework and the second that i s an Intervention Plan. It is currently one of the disorders most frequently found in primary school classrooms. The three main symptoms of this disorder are attention deficit, hyperactivity and impulsivity. It also causes other problems in the subjects who suffer from it, among which it is worth mentioning the deficit in terms of social behavior, thus, the need for a routine and daily follow-up in order to develop it to the maximum. The main objective of this work has been to create an intervention program that allows our ADHD student, and in general, anyone, to be able to participate and integrate with the rest of his class, through emotional education, which is related to social skills, since, as mentioned above, it is necessary to develop it. Prior to this intervention, we have elaborated a theoretical framework in which we have talked about emotional education, what is an emotion, the classification of these, the characteristics of ADHD in order to know it better and help it as much as possible, social behavior, the different treatments that exist and finally, we have talked about emotional education in ADHD, where we have been able to collect different research, programs... that are beneficial for this type of students.
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