El anime como recurso didáctico para la enseñanza en Educación Física
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(ES) La animación japonesa, más conocida como anime, es uno de los estilos más populares y
reconocidos del panorama del entretenimiento audiovisual.
Uno de alicientes por lo que el anime es tan popular, además de la originalidad o atractivo de sus
diseños, es por la capacidad de sus historias de transmitir valores tan esenciales como la
En este siendo, se analizará algunas obras animadas a objeto de filtrar aquellas que puedan ser
útiles para la educación. Recopilando los aspectos más positivos y didácticos para su posible
aprovechamiento como recurso educativo en el aula de Primaria.
Del mismo modo, en este Trabajo Fin de Grado se pretende diseñar una Unidad Didáctica para la
asignatura de Educación Física, donde se utilizarán elementos propios del anime mediante
metodologías y enseñanza activas, para la creación de un programa de actividades específicas para
esta asignatura.
(EN) Japanese animation, better known as anime, is one of the most popular and recognized styles in the audiovisual entertainment scene. One of the reasons why anime is so popular, in addition to the originality or attractiveness of its designs, is the ability of its stories to transmit values as essential as self-improvement. In these works, some animated ones will be analyzed in order to filter those that may be useful for education. Compiling the most positive and didactic aspects for its possible use as an educational resource in the Primary classroom In the same way, in this End of Degree Project it is intended to design a Didactic Unit for the subject of Physical Education, where elements of anime will be used through active methodologies and teaching, for the creation of a program of specific activities for this subject.
(EN) Japanese animation, better known as anime, is one of the most popular and recognized styles in the audiovisual entertainment scene. One of the reasons why anime is so popular, in addition to the originality or attractiveness of its designs, is the ability of its stories to transmit values as essential as self-improvement. In these works, some animated ones will be analyzed in order to filter those that may be useful for education. Compiling the most positive and didactic aspects for its possible use as an educational resource in the Primary classroom In the same way, in this End of Degree Project it is intended to design a Didactic Unit for the subject of Physical Education, where elements of anime will be used through active methodologies and teaching, for the creation of a program of specific activities for this subject.
Palabras clave
Educación Física