Propuesta didáctica para trabajar la biodiversidad en 1o ESO
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)Se propone la Unidad Didáctica (UD) “Biodiversidad, mil colores y formas que apreciar” enmarcada
en el currículo de 1o de ESO de Biología y Geología, para tratar el concepto de la biodiversidad a nivel
genético, específico y de ecosistema y fomentar, desde un pensamiento ético y crítico, la reflexión
sobre la importancia de la conservación de la biodiversidad, el cuidado del medio ambiente y el
desarrollo de hábitos sostenibles. Tras una pequeña revisión bibliográfica acerca de los conceptos
tratados, se ha observado una deficiencia en el tratamiento de la biodiversidad a todos sus niveles, la
presencia de diversas ideas erróneas acerca del término, así como, la detección de una falta de
interés y motivación del alumnado hacia el aprendizaje de las ciencias. Por ello, se propone el uso de
las metodologías activas de aprendizaje basada en proyectos (ABP) y aprendizaje cooperativo,
buscando una mejora en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
(EN)The didactic unit “Biodiversity, a lot of colours and shapes to be appreciate”, is proposed (framed in the curriculum of 1 st of ESO of Biology and Geology’s subject) to discuss the concept of biodiversity at the genetic, specific and ecosystem level. And to promote, from ethical and critical thinking, a reflection about the importance of conserving biodiversity, environmental care and development of sustainable habits. After a bibliographical review about the concepts treated, a deficiency in the treatment of some level of biodiversity, various misconceptions about biodiversity and a lack of student’s interest and motivation for science learning, has been observed. For this reason, is proposed the use of the project-based learning (PBL) and cooperative learning methodology to get an improvement at teaching-learning process.
(EN)The didactic unit “Biodiversity, a lot of colours and shapes to be appreciate”, is proposed (framed in the curriculum of 1 st of ESO of Biology and Geology’s subject) to discuss the concept of biodiversity at the genetic, specific and ecosystem level. And to promote, from ethical and critical thinking, a reflection about the importance of conserving biodiversity, environmental care and development of sustainable habits. After a bibliographical review about the concepts treated, a deficiency in the treatment of some level of biodiversity, various misconceptions about biodiversity and a lack of student’s interest and motivation for science learning, has been observed. For this reason, is proposed the use of the project-based learning (PBL) and cooperative learning methodology to get an improvement at teaching-learning process.