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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El efecto de renovación consiste en la recuperación de una respuesta anteriormente extinguida ante un cambio en el
contexto donde se produjo la extinción. Este efecto ha sido informado en especies como la rata y la paloma, además
de los estudios informados con humanos. Sin embargo, la generalización del efecto de renovación depende de la
demostración del mismo con otras especies, como puede ser el perro. Con esta especie, la replicación de este efecto
tiene un doble objetivo: la generalización del efecto y la aplicación extraíble de los procesos básicos del aprendizaje
para el adiestramiento de animales, como el perro, cuyo empleo en terapias para humanos es cada vez más
relevante. Con el objetivo de explorar con perros la existencia del efecto de renovación proponemos un diseño
formado por distintas fases (pre-entrenamiento, entrenamiento del clicker, adquisición de la conducta, extinción y
prueba) con el que esperamos replicar el efecto de renovación ABA.
[EN] The renewal effect consists of the recovery of a previously extinct response to a change in the context in which the extinction occurred. This effect has been reported in species such as the rat and the pigeon, in addition to the studies reported with humans. However, generalization of the renewal effect depends on demonstrating it with other species, such as the dog. With this species, the replication of this effect has a double objective: the generalization of the effect and the extractable application of the basic learning processes for the training of animals, such as the dog, whose use in human therapies is increasingly relevant. In order to explore with dogs the existence of the renewal effect we propose a design formed by different phases (pre-training, clicker training, behavior acquisition, extinction and test) with which we hope to replicate the ABA renewal effect.
[EN] The renewal effect consists of the recovery of a previously extinct response to a change in the context in which the extinction occurred. This effect has been reported in species such as the rat and the pigeon, in addition to the studies reported with humans. However, generalization of the renewal effect depends on demonstrating it with other species, such as the dog. With this species, the replication of this effect has a double objective: the generalization of the effect and the extractable application of the basic learning processes for the training of animals, such as the dog, whose use in human therapies is increasingly relevant. In order to explore with dogs the existence of the renewal effect we propose a design formed by different phases (pre-training, clicker training, behavior acquisition, extinction and test) with which we hope to replicate the ABA renewal effect.