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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]En este trabajo se ha hecho un estudio citogenético y molecular del escarabajo Hycleus
scutellatus (Coleoptera, Meloidae). Presenta un número cromosómico de 2n=20, con 18
cromosomas autosómicos y una pareja de cromosomas sexuales del tipo XX/XY. Los dos
cromosomas sexuales se asocian en metafase I en una estructura conocida como paracaídas
Xyp. Presenta bloques heterocromáticos ricos en A+T localizados en las regiones
pericentroméricas. Existen doce regiones NOR en seis parejas de autosomas, un número
inusualmente alto en el orden Coleoptera y nunca descrito hasta ahora. Se ha realizado la
secuenciación del genoma de esta especie usando la plataforma Illumina. Las lecturas
obtenidas han sido utilizadas para analizar las secuencias repetitivas pertenecientes al ADN
satélite. Se han encontrado veinte familias diferentes de ADN satélite con unidades repetitivas
variables entre 41 y 851 pb. Se han generado sondas para las tres familias de ADN satélite
mayoritarias y se han realizado hibridaciones in situ fluorescentes para determinar la
localización cromosómica. La hibridación in situ genera un patrón diferente para cada una de
estas familias.Palabras clave
ADN satélite, heterocromatina, cariotipo, regiones organizadoras del nucléolo, satelitoma
[EN]In this work, a cytogenetic and molecular study of the beetle Hycleus scutellatus (Coleoptera, Meloidae) has been done. It has a chromosome number of 2n = 20, with 18 autosomal chromosomes and a pair of sex chromosomes of the XX / XY type. The two sex chromosomes are associated in metaphase I in a structure known as parachute Xyp. It presents heterochromatic blocks rich in A + T located in the pericentromeric regions. There are twelve NOR regions in six pairs of autosomes, an unusually high number in the Coleoptera order and never described until now. The genome of this species was sequenced using the Illumina platform. The obtained reads have been used to analyze the repetitive sequences belonging to the satellite DNA. Twenty different families of satellite DNA have been found with repetitive units varying between 41 and 851 bp. Probes were generated for the three majority families of satellite DNA and fluorescent in situ hybridization was performed for chromosomal localization. Fluorescent in situ hybridization generates a different pattern for each of these families. Keywords Satellite DNA, heterochromatin, karyotype, nucleolar organizer region, satellitome.
[EN]In this work, a cytogenetic and molecular study of the beetle Hycleus scutellatus (Coleoptera, Meloidae) has been done. It has a chromosome number of 2n = 20, with 18 autosomal chromosomes and a pair of sex chromosomes of the XX / XY type. The two sex chromosomes are associated in metaphase I in a structure known as parachute Xyp. It presents heterochromatic blocks rich in A + T located in the pericentromeric regions. There are twelve NOR regions in six pairs of autosomes, an unusually high number in the Coleoptera order and never described until now. The genome of this species was sequenced using the Illumina platform. The obtained reads have been used to analyze the repetitive sequences belonging to the satellite DNA. Twenty different families of satellite DNA have been found with repetitive units varying between 41 and 851 bp. Probes were generated for the three majority families of satellite DNA and fluorescent in situ hybridization was performed for chromosomal localization. Fluorescent in situ hybridization generates a different pattern for each of these families. Keywords Satellite DNA, heterochromatin, karyotype, nucleolar organizer region, satellitome.