Incorporación de la metodología AICLE en las aulas de primaria
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Con la expansión de Europa, el aprendizaje de los idiomas ha ido cobrando gran repercusión a lo largo del tiempo. Por tanto, uno de los desafíos que debemos establecernos como docentes es la de formar a nuestro alumnado en este ámbito, con el fin de prepararles para el mundo laboral. Tradicionalmente, los docentes utilizaban libros de texto para impartir los idiomas de forma descontextualizada y aislada, y por ello, los estudiantes mostraban poco interés. Sin embargo, con la incorporación de la metodología AICLE en el aula, esto cambia por completo.
AICLE no sólo ayuda a la enseñanza de contenidos (en materias no lingüísticas), sino que también utiliza la lengua extranjera como vía de comunicación en el aula, de forma que la comunicación en el idioma extranjero se produce de forma natural; fomentando una mayor participación y colaboración por parte del alumnado.
En el siguiente trabajo, hablaremos sobre las diferentes características que posee esta metodología y cómo podríamos incorporarla en el aula.
With the expansion of Europe, learning languages has been charging great impact over time. One of the challenges that we must stablish ourselves as teachers therefore is to form our students in this area, in order to prepare them for the working world. Traditionally, teachers used textbooks to teach the languages of isolated form. Consequently, students did not take any interest in the lessons. However, with the incorporation of the CLIL methodology in the classroom, this changes completely. CLIL not only helps the teaching of contents (in non-linguistic subjects), it also uses the foreign language as a way of communication in the classroom, and so communication in foreign language occurs naturally; encouraging higher participation and collaboration from all the students. In this project, we will discuss some of the characteristics that possess this methodology and how we could incorporate it in the classroom.
With the expansion of Europe, learning languages has been charging great impact over time. One of the challenges that we must stablish ourselves as teachers therefore is to form our students in this area, in order to prepare them for the working world. Traditionally, teachers used textbooks to teach the languages of isolated form. Consequently, students did not take any interest in the lessons. However, with the incorporation of the CLIL methodology in the classroom, this changes completely. CLIL not only helps the teaching of contents (in non-linguistic subjects), it also uses the foreign language as a way of communication in the classroom, and so communication in foreign language occurs naturally; encouraging higher participation and collaboration from all the students. In this project, we will discuss some of the characteristics that possess this methodology and how we could incorporate it in the classroom.
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