La nutrición evolutiva adaptada al aula de Educación Primaria
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El presente trabajo nace de la importancia y el desconocimiento globalizado que existe entre la población escolar y adulta sobre una alimentación saludable y equilibrada. La finalidad de este es el
desarrollo de hábitos saludables relacionados con la alimentación, ya que esta es la base sobre la que se sustenta el desarrollo de los niños, por ello debemos de darle la importancia que se merece y trabajar para que nuestro alumnado la interiorice y forme parte de su vida.
Por ello, en base a diferentes estudios, se recogerán los datos más relevantes para posteriormente trasladarlos a la clase y finalmente conocer cómo se alimentaban nuestros ancestros y comprobar cómo ha afectado la evolución de la nutrición a nuestras costumbres y salud, esta propuesta didáctica tiene como objetivo volver a las raíces de la alimentación y trabajarla con nuestro alumnado.
The present work is born from the importance and the globalized ignorance that exists between the school and adult population about a healthy and balanced diet. The purpose of this is the development of healthy habits related to food, since this is the basis on which the development of children is based, so we must give it the importance it deserves and work for our students the internalize and become part of your life. Therefore, based on different studies, the most relevant data will be collected and then transferred to class and finally learn how our ancestors feed and check how the evolution of nutrition has affected our customs and health, this educational proposal aims to go back to the roots of food and work with our students.
The present work is born from the importance and the globalized ignorance that exists between the school and adult population about a healthy and balanced diet. The purpose of this is the development of healthy habits related to food, since this is the basis on which the development of children is based, so we must give it the importance it deserves and work for our students the internalize and become part of your life. Therefore, based on different studies, the most relevant data will be collected and then transferred to class and finally learn how our ancestors feed and check how the evolution of nutrition has affected our customs and health, this educational proposal aims to go back to the roots of food and work with our students.
Palabras clave
Mención en Educación física